So much hate..

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( King Laurent )
( Day 69, December 30th )

It took Curtis and his navy connects a day to find Jasmine's mother and Larry and I were currently on our way to speak with her. I was on the very end of my patience and it felt like forever since I slept. I couldn't, not when every time I closed my eyes, Jasmine would appear with lifeless eyes and destroy the little sanity I had left. Larrys hands stayed clenched at his side, his eyes staring out at the passing scenery.

King Larry: "Think she's still alive?" Empty was the only word I could describe Larrys voice as I looked out my own window and closed my eyes.

King Laurent: "To be honest, I don't know. I mean we both know why Candice would take Jasmine but why Hiro? Just because Candice said so? Because she's pregnant? It's a ridiculous reason to kidnap a woman, especially if you wanted to actually make a life for you and your kid. Naw they want something, biding their time before they ask us. Only thing they will get is a bullet down their throat or out the back of their skull. I'll even let them choose." My hands trembled with the need to destroy something, anything. But the ring currently burning a hole in my pocket, doused my anger. I relaxed myself, I would get some answers today.

The car came to a stop outside a small red brick home that had a sense of sadness around it. I looked at Larry and could see that he thought the same. I squared my shoulders and went to the front door labeled 4789, and knocked twice. A few minutes went by and my patience flew out the goddamn window. I banged on the door as though I was the police and could hear shuffling around inside. Larry had a peculiar look on his face as he stared at something in the window.

King Laurent: "What's wrong?" I could hear the footsteps coming closer to the door now and Larry eyes narrowed.

King Larry: "The windows are nailed shut Lau, something ain't right." Just as Larry said that, the door opened and a older Spanish woman came to the door, her graying black hair pulled back into a tight bun and her hazelnut eyes reminded me of Jasmine, except hers held nothing but revulsion and hate. She wiped her hands on the faded red dress she wore and when she spoke, her voice rasped.

Ana: "Can I help you?" Her voice grated on my nerves, it was like the nails on a chalkboard sort of sound. Larrys gaze hardened and I felt suspicion hit me like a mother fucking Mac truck. I didn't like the old bitch and couldn't comprehend why. Why was I even calling Jasmine's mother a bitch? I pushed my suspicion down although it lingered, and put on a huge smile that spread from cheek to cheek.

King Laurent: "Good evening miss Marie, I wanted to speak with you about your daughter Jasmine. She's gone missing and I need to find her." I tried to keep it as short as possible, not wanting the strain of everything seep into my voice. Jasmine's mother shrugged her shoulders, her expression uncaring. She leaned on the door and lit a cigarette, blowing the smoke towards my face. This bitch.

Ana: "My daughters been missing for nearly three months now, best thing that happened to my life. So what the fuck would I care if you need to find her, ain't none of my business. Drop the smiling act, I don't care for it." I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I almost bashed her head into the door. I took a deep breath to calm myself and dropped the smile like it was a piece of hot coal in my hand. She just dismissed Jasmine being gone as though I just told her that it was to rain today. Larry stepped forward, filling the door way with his frame.

King Larry: "Mind if we come in?" Before the woman could reply, Larry brushed past her and went into the house. I wasted no time following him and it felt like I walked into a freezer. The house had to be below 40 degrees, why the hell did they keep it so cold? Jasmine's mother went into the living room and sat down on a brown sectional sofa, acting as though she wasn't in the presence of two Kings. True she didn't know she was, so perhaps I could enlighten her. I took a seat on the opposite side of her and felt Jasmine. Don't ask me how or why, but I felt my Queen as though she was sitting right there. That threw me off.

King Larry: "So miss Marie, why do you hate your daughter so much?" Larry leaned on the wall near the huge window, his eyes closed but I could feel the aggravation in him. I sighed, guess we were getting right to it. I leaned back and watched as the older woman stayed unfazed.

King Laurent: "Yes, I'm curious myself. Usually when a mothers child has been missing, they at least show some concern but you, you couldn't give two fucks. Why is that?" I kept the calm in my tone. Miss Marie took another drag of her cigarette before stomping it out on the expensive looking rug on the floor. She stared at me and Larry with no fear.

Ana: "Call me Ana, I haven't been called miss in a long time. You ask why I hate my daughter? Simple, because she was a troublemaker. Always kept her nose in other people's business and didn't know when to mind her damn own. And when I fell sick, the little ungrateful bitch flew the coop, leaving me to fend for myself and her younger siblings. I'm glad to be rid of the vermin." Ana spat on the ground as she said the word vermin, and something in me blanked out. This woman made my stomach churn in disgust. Larry pushed himself off the wall and stood in front of Ana.

King Larry: "That's funny. When Jasmine got to us, the first thing she asked us to do was check on her siblings and she nearly lost her mind. Jasmine minded her own with us so I don't know who it is you speak of, but it surely couldn't be our Jasmine. How did you have to fend for her siblings when I know for a fact, that your eldest son has them?" I watched as Ana face held a slight twitch of fear and her eyes shifted back and forth. I got up and before I could even think twice, I had meshed Anas head into the cushions and pressed my knee to her throat, cutting off her airways. I bent down to her level and spoke to her through gritted teeth.

King Laurent: "Where the fuck is my Queen you old ragged bat?! I know she is here and you got about two minutes before you asphyxiate right here." Anas eyes were bugging out and I pressed my knee down more. I was so consumed with my anger that I hadn't noticed Larry was gone.

King Laurent: "Speak damnit!" Ana clawed at my leg, a gasping sound tearing from her throat that sounded almost like okay. I released the pressure on her neck just enough for her to breath and talk.

Ana: "She's in the basement, but so is Candice. Hiro isn't here at the moment but he will be soon. Then I will enjoy watching you watch your precious whore di-" I rammed my fist into the old bitches face, knocking her clean out before she could finish. I went into the kitchen and found tape, which I used to bind Anas hands, feet and mouth then dropped her in the closest. I would deal with her later.

I made my way through the house, noticing various locks of varying sizes on the doors. I clenched my teeth together, knowing the locks were meant to keep my baby confined. I found the door to the basement and found Larry waiting at it. His eyes were wild and he was clenching and unclenching his fist. I placed my hand on his shoulder to try to calm him.

King Larry: "You go Lau. Ima wait up here for our guest of honor. Got a surprise for em." Larry muttered, promises of death all in his tone. I smirked and patted his shoulder.

King Laurent: "Alright bro, just don't kill him without me. He deserves to suffer for what he did to Jessica and Jasmine."

King Larry: "I got you bro. Just go down there and deal with the lying whore and get Jasmine back. I don't know how long I can wait before I rush down there, saving the day and shit." A smile tugged at the corners of Larrys lips and I laughed. The door creaked as I opened it, it was pitch black except for a small glow at the bottom of the steps. I stepped into it.

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