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[Day 126, February 25th]

Taking a seat on the lush recliner near the nightstand, I let my eyes roam over Jasmine, her haggard and disheveled state causing me to feel a small inkling of sympathy for her distress. Lowering my stare, my gaze slid down to her stomach which had the slightest bump peeking through the cloth of her house dress.

Jasmine: "Was there something I could help you with Liara?", her voice was tiny, quiet, with sadness reeking from it, words that I would never before truly use to describe Jasmine. Smoothing my dress down, I cleared my throat and prepared myself to do the hardest thing that I ever had to, apologize.

Liara: "Um..., actually, not really because it wasn't something anyone could help me with, it was something I had to come to grips with myself. Jasmine, the way I've been acting lately, was not fair to you and I know that my decision to get the abortion wasn't your fault. I just needed someone else to blame because I was frightened, I was jealous and envious of you and Laurent and I acted a damn fool and I am sorry. I needed time to myself and now that that was granted, I was able to see the foolishness of my behavior. I know that it will take time but I hope you will forgive me and that we can once again be as close as we were, before all this dumb shit came to.", letting my head hang down, I prepared myself for her to cast me away but after a few moments, all I heard was the soft sounds of crying.

I raised my eyes to see Jasmine with her hands over her face, slivers of water flowing through the small crevices in between her fingers. Unable to help myself, I got up and without realizing, gathered her in my arms and let her cry out her sorrows. A couple of minutes passed by and soon, the hiccups and solemn sobs receded, leaving a tired and worn out Jasmine behind. This couldn't be healthy for her and the state of the room informed me that she had been doing this a lot lately.

Jasmine: "It's okay Liara, I never have and never will hate you. I know it was hard for you and that's why I gave you space. You had your own demons to fight and I'm glad you could overcome them. I can't imagine what it took to do what you did.", her hand rested on her stomach and for the first time since it was announced she was having a child, I felt a warmth of sisterly love instead of the cold bite of unnecessary envy.

I removed myself from the embrace and Jasmine blessed me with a tiny smile that didn't reach her eyes at all, which had my suspicions for why she was sheltered away in this room showing up again.

Liara: "Jasmine, if you don't mind me asking, why are you in here and not with Laurent? I would think he would prefer you near him in your current condition?", the question was innocent enough but the frigidness that radiated from Jasmine sent goosebumps down my flesh in the close proximity and the emotionless look that suddenly took over her eyes didn't help.

Jasmine: "We had a somewhat falling out. Nothing major but I needed to be away from him for a few days but...", which each word, the frigidness dissipated and a soft sadness took its place in her voice. "I'm worried about Laurent though. The morphine pills, they are highly addictive and I could see the way he was taking them and nothing good come out of that. Perhaps you can go to him and talk to him about it? Keep him from becoming to dependent on the drug. I would myself but... I still need some space from him.", three little worry lines creased the middle of her brows and I nodded my head in agreement, promising her I would go and talk with my brother but first, I wanted to catch up with her.

Three Hours Later

Gently closing the cream colored door, I made my way to the royal quarters and knocked on Laurent's and Jasmine's bedroom doors but got no reply. Huffing under my breath, I knocked twice more and could faintly hear the sound of Laurent groaning. Worried that he could be in pain, I pushed the mahogany double doors and they swung forward, creating a path into the room.

Without waiting for him to speak or even sit up, I took my own seat at the foot of the bed and scowled at my brother whose own sight seemed glossed over.

Liara: "Are you pilled up Laurent?", I couldn't keep the accusation or horror from my voice even if I tried but he shook his head vehemently.

King Laurent: "No I am not pilled up Liara." Laurent threw a annoyed glare her way. "I was given a herbal tea by Dr.Leona with the morphine pull earlier and it's a very effective combination. But as you can hear, I'm very much lucid.", his glare intensified and the glossy look to his irises disappeared, leaving the chocolate hued depths behind.

Liara: "Jasmine is worried about you is all, that's why I came to check on you. I apologized to her and she forgave me so we are on good terms now. So, as a good job reward, I believe you should tell me why she's in the guest quarters and not in her own room?", I inquired but Laurent smacked his teeth at me and turned the other way. A few moments went by when suddenly Laurent's head snapped back towards me and a sly grin spread across his face.

King Laurent: "I need your help wth something Liara." 

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