chapt. one

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the sun.

phil lester really did like dan. he liked his giggles and the way he pulled down his sleeves to grasp his steaming mug of coffee. phil wasn't particularly interested in dan howells "work" but he refused to judge because dan really was, to phil, beautiful.

"so, how long you down here for?" dan asks, stirring his coffee- straight black and no sugars- with his finger.

"a few days. just until the snow passes over a bit."

"ooh, bad news sweet cheeks," dan laughs, "big storm coming down soon. good luck with that."

"i'm sure we can stay for a while, anyway."

"so, you travel?"

phil realised dan started his sentences a lot with "so."

"kind of. i'm taking a break from life."

"you picked a hell of a time to come around."

"i suppose."

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