chapt. four

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the sun.

because phil doesn't technically have a house at the moment, for their dinner date, the two boys resort to dining in at a terribly bright diner. the diners main theme is neon and red leather and it hurts phil's eyes.

"the sixty's never died," dan snorts, taking a seat at the furthest booth.

it doesn't take long for dan to be embraced by an elderly greek woman. she has a small, frail body and walks with a limp. her accent makes it nearly impossible to understand a word she says, but dan seems to know what she's saying perfectly.

"danny!" she chirps, wrapping her arms around his much taller torso.

"oh, my dearest annette," dan gushes.

"who might be the young gentleman?" she questions, sending phil a warm smile.

"this is phil," dan smiles before sending phil a look as if to say, 'is this okay?' "my new friend."

"he is much too beautiful to just be a friend, my pet," annette says softly, "perhaps a new love?"

"you know my heart belongs to another."

annette's expression hardens. "ah yes, that officer man. interesting, that one."

phil finds himself intrigued. this side of dan seems so precious that phil cant help but feel like he must be important for dan to let himself be seen this way. so soft and beautiful. dan isn't the man he was yesterday, cold and sex driven. is it him or annette? he doesn't care. he loves it.

"i shall let you order," annette decides, kissing dan on the cheek, "it's on the house, my loves."

the smile dan replies with, warm and genuine, makes phils heart heat and suffocate with a feeling he can't describe.

"you know," dan giggles, peering up over his menu, "they say it's practically impossible not to fall in love in this town."

"really?" phil muses, sipping his soda. "should we test that theory?"

"if ya want," dan blushes, leaning forward over the table. "wanna dance?"

the two make their way to the most open section of the near empty diner. phil chooses a song that dan's never heard of and they embrace one another softly.

phil wont deny that dan felt like home in his arms.

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