chapt. eight

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the sun.

phil had always loved the rain. whilst the pitter patter on the tin roof of his camper would have calmed him, today it made him feel trapped.

"are you still sulking about your gay hooker?" chris questions, laying next to phil on their fold out couch.

"yeah," phil mumbles, lighting a cigarette. "i'm worried about him."

"you know what people say about him, right?" chris sighs, taking phil's cigar and taking a puff.

"that he's a whore with no self respect?" phil questions, propping himself up on his elbows.

"i think he's actually pretty widely respected for his sexuality," chris shrugs, "but i don't think your hooker is any old whore, phil. you should be careful. legend says he's a cold blooded killer." chris taps the side of his nose, laughing quietly. "they say he's got some pact with an officer to keep the law off his back."

phil frowns.

"he's not my boyfriend," dan giggles. "our relationship is-"
"-complicated," ginny finishes.

"you shouldn't give into this town's conspiracies," phil argues.

"why don't you leave him?" phil had pleaded.
"i can't." dan whispered, a tear slipping from his eye.
"i'll come with you, to make sure he doesn't do this again and-"
"phil, you don't understand. ginny and i, we-" dan starts to shake and his breathing becomes rapid.

"yeah, i know," chris smiles, rolling off the bed. "i'm just saying-"

"well, you should stop just saying," phil snaps, "because it's not true."


i don't usually do a/n's but i just wanted to say that i hope everyone is enjoying empire so far xx

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