chapt. fifteen

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the moon.

warning; graphic content

the first bullet barely misses dan's chest, firmly implanting itself in his shoulder. the second in his thigh, crippling him. the moment his heavy body hits the pavers, all of his breath escapes his lungs, leaving him breathless.

"well," dan mutters, impressed yet unamused, clutching desperately at his shoulder wound.

"fuck," ginny cries, collapsing at dans side, "fuck, dan, i-i-im so sorry. are you okay?"

"oh yeah i'm fine," dan laughs angrily, rolling his eyes, "no ginny, i'm not fine. you just fucking shot me."

"jesus christ," the officer whimpers, covering his mouth with his shaking hands, "i'll-i'll-i'm so sorry. what do i do?"

"just, come here," dan opens his arms for a hug, grunting in pain when his lover collapses in his arms on the cold cement.

the second ginny's body touches dan's, he reaches out to grasp the old brick debris he knows lay a mere centimetre from his fingertips.


"yes, beautiful?"


with all the force he can muster, he smashes the brick against ginny's skull, knocking him unconscious and leaving him with, what dan hopes is, some fucking brain damage. using his good arm, dan shoves the officer off of his body, wincing in pain.

"i can't believe he fucking shot me."
dan's not really quite sure how, but he manages to pull himself further enough off the ground to stand. his thigh is screaming as he limps to phil's unconscious and beat up body that lays just outside his front gate.

"jesus phil, i am so sorry this happened," dan cries, falling next to the older boy. not waisting anymore time, dan quickly searches phil's pockets for a cellphone. with one hand on phil's, dan presses 'call' on chris' contact. he's never even seen this guy- all he knows is that this is the only person he can call right now.

"phil? where are you? you better not've been drinking-"

"chris? chris, this, this is dan-"

"wait, gay hooker dan?"

"what? um, yes, gay hooker dan-"

"where's phil?"

"chris, listen to me, okay?" dan snaps, his panic becoming more prominent. "i need you to come to my house. phil, he's-"

"what? what's going on?" chris starts to panic too and dan has to take a breath so he doesn't start yelling.

"please, just hurry."

in what dan thinks takes longer than it would for him or phil to bleed to death, chris is bolting out of the car and over to dan who has phil's head cradling in his lap.

"what the fuck?" chris yells.

"ah, you must be chris," dan smiles, holding his hand out for the other boy to shake.

"are you serious?"

"my lover just shot me in the arm. i am deadly serious." dan teases. "now help me get him in the car."

"what's going on?" chris sobs and dan sighs.

"i promise i will explain it all later. please. he's lost a lot of blood. you just need to trust me." dan pleads.


dan reaches up, grabbing the hem of chris' shirt. "please."

after a short moment of hesitation, chris nods. "okay."

"perfect!" dan grins, "now, help me up."

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