chapt. thirteen

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the sun.

phil isn't nearly as fascinated as he is confused about the mind. he tells himself, there is no way this will end well. but despite his doubts, he knocks.

it takes a few moments before he answers the door. his eyes are red and puffy but his bruises are less prominent. his hair is messy and his dirty knees stick out of the rips in his blue jeans.

"you beautiful disaster, i thought i told you to fuck off," he laughs breathlessly, pulling phil in by his collar.

"there is absolutely no way this will end well," phil speaks out loud, kissing dan passionately.

"tell me about it," he mumbles.

phil didn't even plan to kiss dan. he only wanted to check up on him. the storm outside was wild and phil knew what it was like to feel trapped in this weather. but it was like the two had this silent yearn for one another and they could barely help themselves.

"thought'cha would've left by now," dan states as the two take a seat on the filthy sofa, cracking open cans of pop.

"i can't."

"i didn't think some silly storm would keep you here, lester."

phil smirks. "it's not the storm."

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