pt. iii

681 56 19

the sun.

warning; sexual references

"chris, i'm going for a walk!" phil calls out to his best friend and traveling companion as he shuts the door to their caravan.

he walks for a few minutes, nearing more suburbia with each step. the houses are tall and strong. mansions, phil decides, probably belonging to businessman.

he's about to turn around when he spots dan, leaning in an officers car. he watches quietly as the two flirt and then dan gets in the passenger seat. phil can't help but feel jealous, even though that's not fair of him.

phil walks to dan's house. he can't remember how to find it, but he can remember what it looks like.

almost 2 hours later, phil is walking up dan's front steps. he takes a moment to glance around before he knocks. the grass in the front yard is overgrown and the vibrant blue paint on the house is peeling. there's cigarette butts scattered about and he can hear the buzz of a beehive lingering around the corner. smashed up debris of bricks pepper the footpath.

he knocks a few times. he can hear dan call out and some crashing around. he swings the door open, an unlit cigarette hanging from his wet, swollen lips. he has an open jacket on and phil can see his toned chest and stomach, and tight black briefs hang on his hips. his hair is messy and his cheeks are flushed.

"phil?" dan questions, "what are you doing here?"

"uh," he finds himself distracted at dans appearance. "i was just walking around. i thought i'd come visit. i can come back another time, though."

dan is taken aback by phil's innocent friendliness. to recompose himself, he lights his cigarette. dan inhales and exhales and they both watch the smoke dangle in the air momentarily until it's swept away by a soft touch of wind.

"no, it's fine." dan smiles, "please, come in."

the inside of the house is the complete epitome of the out- messy cluttered surfaces, dusty picture frames and the stink of cigarettes. somewhere, a scratchy vinyl plays quietly. phil isn't uncomfortable or disgusted by the state of the house, just intrigued.

"ginny, we have a guest, put your clothes on." dan laughs as the boys near a doorway. 

in the sitting room, a large "L" shaped couch. phil immediately recognizes the officer sitting lazily on the couch, no shirt and baggy undone trousers hanging on his hips.

dan flops down next to the officer, almost on his lap.

"make yourself at home," dan smiles as phil takes a seat quietly.

"ginny, this is phil-" phil can tell dan isn't quite sure how to introduce either of the boys to one another.

phil gives ginny a friendly handshake.

"how long have you both been together?" phil questions, looking around the room distractedly.

the officer smiles whilst dan laughs loudly.

"he's not my boyfriend," dan giggles. "our relationship is-"

"-complicated," ginny finishes.

"oh, okay," phil mumbles because frankly, he's jealous.

"he's easy on the eyes and good with his lips," ginny teases. dan winks and gives a soft laugh, whilst phil only becomes uncomfortable.

phil finds himself growing a disliking to ginny. while phil won't admit it to himself, he wishes he knew how good dan was with his lips and how easy he really was on the eyes. sure dan was gorgeous, phil decided, he had beautiful chocolate eyes and big plump lips. but phil wanted to see him whimpering and moaning, with his head flung back and his eyes squinted shut. phil wanted to see him at his natural, beautiful core.

the difference between dan and phil was that whilst phil saw sex as art, dan only saw it as another way to make money.

phil wondered if dan had ever really done what he wanted during intercourse, rather than pleasing the customer for big bucks. phil also wondered if dan even knew what pleasure really was.

"i love when you say that," dan purrs, kissing along ginny's jaw line. to get better access, dan climbs onto ginny's right thigh, straddling him. phil watches intently as dan locks lips with the officer, occasionally grinding into his leg. dan's ass is pushed outwards, straining against the black material. phil almost moans at the sight and he quickly realizes how hard he's become.

"how rude of me," dan giggles, crawling off of ginny. "do you want a coffee, phil?"

"no, thank you," phil declines. "i have to go."

"let me walk you out." dan offers, standing from the couch.

once they're both standing outside, phil finds himself wanting to stay. his arousal has nearly disappeared and has been replaced by a quiet yearn for dan.

"thanks for coming-"

"how much?" phil blurts. phil doesn't have a lot of money with him, but for dan he thinks he'll give the boy his life savings.

"pardon?" dan questions dumbly.

"how much for a night? a whole night- dinner and dancing and hand holding and sex and maybe even a movie-"

dan grins and leans forward to kiss phil on the cheek.

"no charge for you, you beautiful boy."

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