chapt. two

645 53 13

the moon.

warning; violence references

phil took dan to a crappy pizza place. dan didn't tell phil that the last owner, an old italian lass, was brutally murdered here and there was a conspiracy that the killer disposed of the body by using her as pizza meat.  phil ordered ham and pineapple and dan ordered a pizza with no meat.

"are you a vegetarian?" phil asks.

"huh? oh, no. i'm just not a fan of the meat here."

phil laughs. "should i be worried?"

dan didn't tell him he probably should be and laughed. "nah."

dan quite liked phil. he thought the elder was tolerable and sometimes he was funny. despite the slurping of his drink and the way he ate with his mouth open, he could have almost been perfect.

"can we play a game?" phil questions with a small smile and a giggle.

"is this when the lights black out and you murder me?"

phil laughs loudly. "i noticed the way some of the boys in here were staring at you in a sort of longing way and i started thinking about your," phil shrugs, "work. client or friend?"

"sounds like a good game," dan giggles, fiddling with the straw in his ginger ale. "shoot."

a younger boy in tiny denim shorts stalks past their table. phil gestures towards him with a small movement of his head.


the game goes on until dan realizes that his every answer has been 'client.' dan, who is usually proud about his sexuality, feels disgusting and ashamed and asks phil if they can go home now.

"i'll see you around," dan mumbles.

"uh, yeah. bye, dan."

dan almost expects phil to kiss him but phil only walks away and down the street out of his view.

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