pt. iiii

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the moon.

dan has been going a little bit insane since pj's death. it haunts him, and right now, pj's last moments are burning in his mind as he sits in the dark diner. annette had to attend phil again so he was alone, runnels of salty tears dripping down his cheek and staining his grey sweats. dan slips off the table, his ankles wobbling when he stands after sitting for so long. he walks slowly to the kitchen, pushing the doors open gently. annette is asleep on a plastic chair and phil;

phil is laying, eyes closed on his back, on the kitchen bench. his face, no longer bloody, is basically stitched together. lips sewn back on, forehead wrapped in blood stained cloth, nose- crooked and purple- held on by a bandage. he's shirtless; ribs tightly wrapped back into place, hips grazed and bloody, chest black and blue.

dan sniffles, wiping his nose with the back of his hand. he leans down, kissing phil's lips as gently as possible, his tears dripping down onto phil's pale cheeks.

"i'm so sorry, my love," he whispers, eyelashes fluttering against the older boys cheeks.

"this bench is killing my back."

dan's eyes snap open at the sound of phil's voice. he starts crying uncontrollably for the second time that night, but it's happiness this time around. dan grabs phil's cheeks gently, kissing him again. phil laughs against dan's lips, wheezing slightly, and grabbing dan's wrists softly.

"i'm so sorry, phil," dan says quickly. "this is all my fault. i-i-"

"hey," phil whispers, kissing the boy again, silencing him. "i'm alright-"

"-no you're not. you almost died-"

"yeah, and you know what?" phil interrupts. dan doesn't say anything, just sniffles and waits. "i'd do it all again if it meant i could hold you like this forever."

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