pt. ii

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the moon.

the two boys stumble through the front door of dans home, giggling and clutching at each other desperately. dan holds phils hand and drags him through to the sitting area. they flop down in a heap onto the sofa, laughing and leaving soft kisses on one another's lips and necks.
jawlines and cheek bones.
hands and hearts.

"you're so beautiful," phil whispers as the two lay as one, holding each other.

"shh," dan hushes, his eyes fluttering closed. "don't speak."

"okay." phil breathes.

"okay." dan giggles.

phil traces his lips lazily over dans shoulders and collar bones, letting his teeth graze over the sensitive skin. dan lets out breathy moans, his hands in phils hair as he makes his way down dans torso.

"make love to me," dan asks, looking down at phil with glossy eyes.

"your heart belongs to another," phil whispers, his hands rested on dans hips.

dan pushes his hands away gently before speaking,

"not tonight."

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