chapt. seven

573 42 4

the moon.

warning; drug usage and needles

dan uses his teeth to ready the needle. he tightens the belt on his bicep, his forearm running cold from lack of blood flow. he watches as the black tar empties into his veins and he breathes a sigh of relief.

dan stands and falls back down. the world seems to tilt as he grips desperately to whatever he can grasp as he tries to walk to the other side of the room to change the record.

he touches his bruises, laughing breathlessly as his legs give way and he collapses onto the floor. he clutches at his chest, his head falling back and slamming against the chest of draws.
ginny cries out when he finds his lover drowning in his own vomit, unconscious and seizing.

"dan," he cries, shaking the younger boy vigorously. "dan, you dumbass, wake up!"

dan's eyes snap open, his body jolting to a limp halt. he wipes the vomit from his chin and blood from his nose, staring up at ginny.

"did it happen again?" dan mumbles, trying to stand but failing.

"this isn't good for you!" ginny exclaims, his eyes starting to water.

"obviously. it's fucking heroin."

"promise me this is the last time," ginny begs.

"yeah, whatever."

"dan, please."

dan sighs angrily. "yeah, it's the last time."

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