chapt. twenty two

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the moon.

dan breathes as much fresh air as possible as he's escorted into the jail reception. dan whimpers as he's shoved against the front desk, legs forced apart as he's searched for contraband.

"here's your bedding, sanitary items and sleepwear." a corrections officer slams the pack into his arms, making him stumble.

the jail is cold on his bare arms as he's escorted through to his pod. panic starts to seep through his calm facade as they near the heavy door.

"good luck in there, kid," the officer laughs, opening the door, "they're gonna eat you up."

the door slams behind dan, startling him and alerting the other prisoners. they smirk in silence, dan earning wolf whistles as he walks through the over populated pod. he dumps his things on a top bunk in the common room because the cells are occupied. dan desperately ignores the stares and grins as he shakily sets up his bed, organizing his supplied items.

dan jumps when he feels someone grab his behind through his jumpsuit. he whips around, meeting gaze with a dark eyed man, tattoos creeping up his neck and onto his cheeks.

"excuse me?" dan snaps unintentionally.

"what's wrong, gorgeous?" he smirks, the rest of pod laughing.

"i'd appreciate it if you didn't touch me-"

he laughs loudly, hyping up the crowd. "hear that? little miss priss don't like it when we grab her toosh." he grabs dan again.

"do you talk to everyone like that?" dan asks angrily, shoving him lightly.

dan wants phil more than ever. he yearns for the others touch and protection. he hates himself for this. he fucking hates himself. his future, his life, is over. done. this is it forever. no more freedom. no more chances. no more phil lester.

the older man bites his lip, moving against dan, pinning him to the wall. his breath is hot on dan's face, their foreheads pressed together. dan is nothing here. outside, he is beautiful and graceful and lovable. barely. but in here, he's only sex. which shouldn't be different, dan thinks. but it is. it's so different. he's used to love the attention but these men, these horrible men, scare him.

"damn right i do," the older spits. "welcome to prison, bitch."


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