pt. iii

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the moon.

dan traces his dirty hands over his blood stained bandages. chris is asleep on the bench, soft snores sneaking from his slightly separated lips. dan hasn't moved. his legs are still hanging over the edge of the dining table, swinging back and forth. back and forth. back and forth.

light erupts from the kitchen as annette pushes open the heavy doors. her apron is bloody and she's sweating.

"how is he?" dan asks, staring at his lap.

back and forth. back and forth.

"resting," she whispers, running her hand over dans forehead, pushing his hair out of his eyes.

back and forth. back and forth.

she doesn't tell him that phil has been screaming, seizing, vomiting and almost dying. she just smiles and kisses his cheek.

"you should rest," the elder says softly.

dan shakes his head quickly. "not now."

"did your officer do this?"

the simple question sends dan into a fit of tears. he nods profusely, crying into the crook of annettes neck. she holds him tightly, rubbing circles into his back.

"i made a terrible mistake," dan sobs.

"shhh, my pet," she whispers. "it's going to be alright."

dan shakes his head.

back and forth. back and forth.

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