chapt. eleven

541 43 13

the moon.

warning; graphic description

dan loads his handgun, breathing heavily. the cold metal heats in his hand as his fingers trace aimlessly over the barrel.

"do i just shoot him in the head?" he whispers to pj, his hands shaking pathetically.

"whatever will be quickest."

pj needed to be here. not only because dan needed immediate attendance to the mess, but because dan wasn't quite sure if he would actually do it.

"pj, who will protect me now?"

"you will."

"i don't know if i can do this." dan whispers.


"baby, i'm here!" the recognisable tune of ginny rings through the house and bounces off the inside of dans conscience like a fucking bell tower.

"i'm in here, love," dan calls out, readying his gun.

"i missed you," ginny gushes, kissing the younger boy happily, "who's this?"

"this is my friend, pj." dan whispers, his eyes beginning to water.

"is everything alright?" the officer questions, looking down at dan.

"ginny, i'm so sorry. i love you, i swear. i just have to do this-"

"do what? what are you talking about?" ginny asks, the tone in his voice rising and showing panic.

"just fucking do it, dan." pj snaps impatiently.

without a moments hesitation, he turns and fires, splattering what was once a brilliant mind all over the walls. dan drops his gun, the metal clattering against the floorboards as he watches the man before him buckle, dead before he even hits the floor.

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