pt. ii

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the moon.

warning; sexual references & mentions of death/violence

"pj, i need your help."

"did you kill someone again?"


for as long as they could remember, pj had been dans mentor. dan supposed he was a good friend, although it wasn't a very healthy friendship. they met in the early winter, dan was shivering in an alley, dying, and pj took him into his arms and nursed him. when business picked up, dan moved into his own home and the only time pj was with him was when he got a sympathy handjob or pj was cleaning up one of dans many messes.

"this is gonna take a lot of effort, dan," pj sighs, hand on his hip as he drinks up the scene- a middle aged man with two bullet wounds in his skull, brains splattered on the walls and sheets, swimming in his blood.

"why'd you shoot him, anyway? he had a wife."

"he had nothing left to live for," dan decides with a shrug, inhaling the smoke of his cigarette.

"you turn me on."

dan laughs. "you're a fucking sadist."

pj winks. "you love it."

dan watches as pj rolls the corpse up in the bed sheets.

"help me carry this fucker to the boot."

dan takes his ankles, dragging him through the house and rolling him into the front yard. with a grunt, the two boys lift him into pj's car boot.

"can i leave now?" dan asks impatiently. "i have things to do."

"more murder or heroin?"

"probably both."

"get out of here, you junkie. i'll see you soon." pj snorts, slamming the front door.

dan walks slowly home, dangling a cigar from his lips and swinging his gun around by the trigger. sirens ring in his ears and he's forced to stop, slipping his gun into his bag.

"officer ginny," dan smiles, stalking over to the police car. the officer roles up next to him, window down. dan leans on the edge of the window, kissing the officer on the cheek.

"who you murder this time, howell?" he sighs, lingering on dans scent.

"some businessman. wife left him. took the kid. it was a favor, really." dan laughs. "how'd you know?"

"you're covered in blood, howell."

dan glances down, noticing for the first time how he's smothered in blood splatters.

"darn. this was my favorite button down, too."

"get in the car. you're scaring the civilians," he laughs.

"they won't touch me."

"no. they won't. but a shipping crate load of tourists came in today and it won't take long before they call us. i'm sick of covering for you."

"you cover for me because you're obliged."

"i cover for you because i love you."

"i've done a lot of things, but giving an officer a blowie whilst he smokes crack is not one of them," dan laughs.

it's a summer night. the breeze that sings through the open window is cool on dans hot skin and the silk bed cloths tickle his bare legs.

"have you ever killed someone on the job, officer ginny?"

the officer freezes under dan's lips, his hands finding dans shoulders and ripping him away.

"how did you know?" the officer cries.

"i know everything, sir." dan laughs. "don't worry, i won't tell anyone. we all have secrets."

"you- you've killed someone?"

"many people," dan smiles, "why? you gonna arrest me?"

dan notices the fear and regret in ginny's soft eyes. his pupils are like pins and dan almost can't find them. dan sucks on the officials thigh, licking to his toned stomach.

"look," dan whispers, staring up at his lover, "you can fuck me anytime, no charge, if you keep me out of trouble. deal?"


"did you clean the car?" dan questions, running his finger along the dashboard.

"yeah, actually. thanks for noticing."

dan just winks in reply.

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