chapt. eighteen

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the moon.

there's nobody up at this hour and the silence is unnerving as dan walks quickly through the streets. he passes the pub; the grocery store; the post office until red and blue lights are flooding his vision. in a moment of haste curiosity, dan wanders through his front gate. ginny's corpse is under a stained sheet, a pool of dry blood next to where his head should be.

"i killed him," dan whispers.

he wants to turn and run, but it's too late. a shaky police officer has his gun loaded and pointed at dans head as he orders him to raise his arms.

"d-don't move!" he stutters, cuffing dan as the young officer radios for backup. as dan is robbed of his freedom, eight officers barge from his house, guns drawn. dan puffs out his cheeks, blowing air out in a huff.

"scared, officer?" he looks into the eyes or the young man before him, grinning. "bit nervous?" he's shoved along towards a police car by an older, more mentally stable cop.

"daniel howell, you are under arrest for illegal firearm possession, drug possession, assault and first degree murder. what do you have to say for yourself?"

dan drinks up the words, ponders them and spits them back out so they suit the situation. he tugs at the cuffs, laughs and nods, impressed with their security. he looks at the police officers that have crowded around him and licks his lips, smacking them with a soft 'pop.'

"any chance i can get a cigarette?"

i fucked up the order of the chapters god dammit sorry guys

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