chapt. six

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the sun.

when phil first saw dan with his busted up face, swollen and grazed, his initial reaction was sympathy. but after dan had quietly explained the situation over coffee, phil was angry.

"why don't you leave him?" phil had pleaded.

"i can't." dan whispered, a tear slipping from his eye.

"i'll come with you, to make sure he doesn't do this again and-"

"phil, you don't understand. ginny and i, we-" dan starts to shake and his breathing becomes rapid.

"dan," phil whispers, placing his hand on top of the younger boys from across the table. dan immediately rips away, resting his hands on his lap.

"phil, we can't continue to see each other," dan says sternly, standing abruptly, knocking his coffee over in the process.

"i can help you-" phil starts.

"just go away."

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