chapt. twenty one

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the sun.

phil breaks down as dan is escorted. he jumps up without thinking and, despite protests, slings his arms around the boy protectively. dan sniffles, trying to shrug phil off so he isn't in anymore trouble. phil is ripped off, kicking and screaming.

"don't take him from me!" phil begs, sobbing. annette rushes over, pushing the officers away. they're about to step in but she stands her ground until they back off. she comforts him in a light hug, purposefully facing phil away from dan.

"a-annett-te!" dan stutters in a panic as he's pulled out the room, "promise me you'll take care of him!"

"of course, my love," she says softly.

"phil!" dan cries, "phil, phil, i-i love you so much-"

the door slams behind him and he's gone.

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