pt. ii

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the moon.

warning; mentions of abuse

"i feel trapped," dan admits, running his hands over his pockets. "hey, you got a light?"

pj nods, leaning forward with his lighter so he can light dans cigarette. "you've been with ginny for three years. why is it different this time?"

dan bites his lip. "probably because he hit me and-"

pj sighs. "he's done this before, though-"

"well, maybe i'm sick of it," dan snaps.

the room falls silent. dan takes drags from his cigarette angrily before throwing it on the floor and crushing it with his heel.

"you met someone," pj says quietly, his eyes widening.

dan runs his sweaty hands through his hair nervously. "yeah."

"and you want to be with him?"

"i want to be free with him."

pj ponders for a moment, his face twisting up in consideration.

"what is it?" dan questions impatiently.

"you're not gonna like it."

"just say it," dan snaps, "if you know how i can be free tell me-"

"you've taken down asshole men before," pj says calmly, "do the math, sweetheart."

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