chapt. five

585 47 18

the moon.

warning; sexual references & violence

"since when did you sleep with your clients?" ginny exclaims. "you fuck, dan!"

"we did fuck and he payed me, ginny," dan cries.

"i don't want you seeing him anymore," the officer demands, crossing his arms over his chest like a child.

"he was just a client, babe." dan sighs, picking up the shards of china ginny had shattered when dan had told him about last nights happenings with dans new blue eyed obsession.

"this is different, dan! you know it's fucking different!"

"how is it different than any other man in my pants?"

"it's different because you like him!" ginny screams, "and don't tell me you don't because that was love when i came here this morning, and you were all cuddled together on this fucking sofa."

"love?" dan laughs angrily. "some of my clients don't like a rough, short fuck. he payed for something romantic. i don't love him."

"if i ever catch you with him again i'll-"

dan snorts. "you'll what, babe? tell on me? you know i can ruin your life as quickly as you can waste mine in prison."

ginny and dan had always been at something of a stalemate. nobody could make any sudden decisions because they'd be ruining their own existences. although dan was sure if it came down to it he could fuck ginny over and still remain unsuspected. but dan wasn't interested in being alone and he could afford to keep any pigs off his case.

"you only love me," ginny whispers, cupping dans face and pulling their bodies close.

"you're wrong," dan mutters before he can stop himself.

at first, dan is sure ginny hasn't heard him because the room is silent with heavy breaths. ginny catches on a second before dan can shove himself backwards, away from the officer who smashes his fist into the right side of dans jaw, knocking the younger boy unconscious.

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