chapt. three

685 44 65

the moon.

warning: (non graphic) rape and murder (some content may be triggering)

dan realizes he missed a night of possible work because of his pizza date with phil. he needs to make money- fast. rent is due in a couple of days and dan can barely scrape together enough pennies for a meal.

tonight will go without a meal, dan decides as he slips on some womens lace black panties followed by a pair of black stockings with holes in the knees. he doesn't usually dress like this for clients but this one is extra kinky and willing to pay big bucks for a good fuck. dan knows he'll be tied up which makes him shudder, having never been one for bondage, but for two thousand bucks dan would happily let him sew up his mouth and stomp on his balls so long as he got cash.

the moment he bears closer to the neighborhood in which his client awaits, he knows this is going to be a good night. he ventures to the furthest house in what the lesser citizens nickname "the penny grove"- a small suburb thick with mansions and rich businessmen.

knocking on the door, dan adjusts his hair in the reflection of a decorative glass pane.

"you must be dan."

he's pretty enough, dan decides. he wears a suit, missing the blazer and the tie lays loosely around his neck. he easily beats 6ft and looks around early fifties.

"that's me," dan grins, leaning against the doorframe.

"please, come in."

you must understand that as the local whore, reading people is an important part of the job. when selling yourself for another's pleasure, it could quite possibly save your life.

dan had seen plenty of houses like this before- family pictures, usually with a wife, that are plastered almost suspiciously around the household. he was obviously a family man, possibly one who is distracted by his business. or maybe divorced. he wasn't wearing a wedding ring so dan assumed the latter.

"where's the wife?" dan asks with a wicked smile, tracing his fingers over a particular photo of the client and his family.

"she left me," he mutters, slamming the picture face down. "took my kid and everything."

"is that why i'm here?" dan had no time for sympathy.

"she decided to take off after i admitted to my," he pauses to turn and look at dan, "kinks." he reaches for two wine glasses, filling them generously with rich red wine before passing one to dan.

"oh, i don't drink-"

"this is the richest, most expensive wine that will ever touch your lips. drink it."

dan forces himself to sip the drink. he decides it tastes like hot death and it makes him feel woozy. he hates how it makes him feel like he can't really control his limbs.

"mhmm," dan hums unconvincingly, coughing and near spluttering the drink all over himself. 

"let's get started."

the room dan is taken to is only lit by a small oil lamp in the corner of the room. dan takes the curtesy of removing his jeans, wiggling his bum provocatively.

"get on all fours."

dan watches from between his legs as his client slowly drops his trousers and kicks them lazily to the side. he strokes himself as he lines up against dan. dan almost objects, fearing the pain to come as he hasn't even stretched yet, nor has the client shown any sign of using lube.

dan can't help but scream out and grip desperately onto the silk sheets. he thinks it feels worse than his first time, which is a traumatizing memory for dan. his first time, when his dads boss was babysitting him and

"stop!" dan cries. "stop! it hurts!"

a few more thrusts and dan is on fire.

"why aren't you stopping?" he begs as the client rips his fingers into dans hips.

he keeps crying until he eventually blacks out in the silken sheets.

when he wakes, it's morning. he's sticky and stark naked and the morning sun illuminates the filthy cum stains on the back of his legs. instead of waiting for the man next to him to awaken so he can be payed, dan wipes the blood from his nose and steals everything of worth- money, jewelry and keys to a 57" chevrolet. although he doesn't take the car, just the keys so he can't have the luxury of driving a beautiful car anymore. he knows he'll get away with it. this man is an entrepreneur and wouldn't dare risk his ego or masculinity for a gay hooker.

dan reaches into his bag for a cigarette, pulling out his loaded handgun in the process, and sitting on the end of the bed.

he feels his client wake and stir, giving a small yawn.

"good morning beautiful-"

dan shoots him twice in the head.

"fucking asshole."

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