Chapter One: Fears

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Haymitch's POV

All of the students throw their caps into the air, and a smile spreads across my face. I've watched these kids for the past four years, saw most of them grow up. The smiles on their faces make me happy, yet worried at the same time. Now they have to go out into the real world, which can be a very scary place. For most, it's not easy to find a job. It's not easy to buy a house or apartment. Though there is a group that I know I won't have to worry about, though I'm not sure of their name anymore. They were the careers, and they were the Victors, but now they are all friends. Either way, I know they are ready for what is to come. Standing on stage watching them all, I'm looking forward to the Class Reunion, many years from now, when I will see what they all do with their lives. That's when the beeping starts. Everyone with a smartphone gets a ring, which can only mean it is the news app.

BREAKING NEWS: The Capitol has declared war on the United States. The Coast Guard has failed and the Marine Soldiers are starting to station. Prepare for a drafting.

Cries break out from all around the room as everyone lets the news sink in. A drafting? A war? I can see everyone in the room begin to break down. Every thought I just had about these kids have changed. Everyone will be affected by a war. All the boys over 18 will be drafted, all of the girls will begin working, possibly in factories to keep up with the war supply. All my fears of them not being able to afford rent or find a good paying job have been wiped away. My only fear now is if these kids are going to live to see 20. Most probably won't.

Sometimes, it's hard being the principle.



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