Chapter Eighteen: Enough

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****Katniss' POV****

I've had enough. Enough of hearing two sides of a story, with Mrs Mellark telling me one thing and everyone else telling me another.

I can't tell who's telling the truth anymore but there's something nagging me in the back of my mind and telling me Mrs Mellark is the one I should believe. But, then again, why would everyone else go to all of the effort of coming up with some elaborate plan to make sure my memories come back? I mean, my social medias all show me and Peeta very much in love and I have posted how I feel about him on the social medias so if they were lying to me it seems like an awful lot of trouble to

go to.

Why would everyone lie to me anyway? Why don't they want me to get my memories back?

Is it to protect Peeta... Does he really abuse me? Mrs Mellark told me that's were the big scar on my arm is from and all of the little ones but I've been told by other people that the big scar is from the car crash which killed my father and sister and that the smalls, fading, scars are from self harm.

What they said about that Little by Little song also made sense, what they're saying completely adds up, but then again so does everything that Mrs Mellark says: this is my dilemma.

I don't know who is telling the truth... Maybe no one is telling the truth! How messed up would that be, if everyone was lying to me? Maybe everyone really really wants to screw up my mind so much that I don't stand a chance of remembering.

I'm so confused and stressed because of it and that causes me to get bad headaches due to where and how hard I hit my head when I fell.

At the moment I'm have lunch with Haymitch. We're the only people sat in the seating area outside of the bakery because Mrs Mellark texted me and told me I should always try to be near to her when the others are supposedly helping to get my memory back.

I want to skype the other boys and Johanna who are fighting without Peeta there because they're most likely to actually tell me the truth, I'm not sure why but it just seems that way to me anyway.


I didn't realise it but I have closed my eyes as I concentrate on what I'm thinking and I've completely ignored whatever Haymitch was saying, no doubt it was just more crap about my past or whatever.

Perhaps it would be best if I don't get my memory back, whichever version of events is the truth I don't feel like I want to relive either.

I reply to Haymitch in an emotionless way, "What?"

"Are you listening to anything that I'm saying to you?"

"Not really because my head hurts from everyone telling me a different account of events and I can't cope with any more migraines. They make it feel like my brain is on fire."

"But if you don't listen then time is wasted and it will be longer until you get your memories back."

"What if I don't want them back?"

"Don't say that. You need them back."

"I need memories of my supposedly loving and caring boyfriend beating me?"

Haymitch looks shocked but that quickly changes to anger, "Who told you that?" I just shrug my shoulders which makes him even angrier, "Dammit Katniss, tell me who told you that!" He stands up quickly and his rage makes the chair he was sat on fall over, he points inside, "It was her, wasn't it?"

I shake my head, and try to say "Nope." As though I am not even effected by what's going on but when it say it it comes out unconvincingly.

"Give it up Katniss, I've known you for years and in all of those years you have not told one convincing lie."

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