Chapter Twenty Six: The Grave and The Shock

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***Peeta's POV***

"Peeta, let's go." Katniss says as calmly as she can. I mean, I am kind of taking forever. But I need to make sure I have everything I need. Flowers, a small American Flag, and a picture in a frame. I am finally going to go see Riley's grave. Katniss attended the funeral, even though she didn't remember him at the time, so she feels she should pay her respects now.

"Coming." I say walking out of the bedroom door, and quickly making my way down the stairs. It's a little hard with my leg. Katniss remembers how I got the fake leg, the car accident that happened after I left her house at 1 in the morning working on a school project. Even know, she still tried apologizing for that night. I remember when she came to see me in the hospital after it first happened, she was so distressed. Cato and the rest of the group had been thrown out by myself, and Finnick technically. I remember the look of fear he wore when he ran back into the room telling us they had found bats. I see Katniss at the bottom, and I stretch my hand out to her. She takes it and gives it a tight squeeze.

"Are you ready for this?" I ask her. I know she doesn't deal well with death.

"Are you?"

"I should be fine, I mean, I watched him die after all..." I cringe at the terrible memory. My brother exploding in my place. I should have been the one who died. That's something that can never be repaid, I just have to show the respect and gratitude I have for him.

"Peeta? Are you okay?" Katniss asks as we get out into my car. I guess my facial expression Gave away how I am feeling.

"I will be alright." I smile and get in on the drivers side of the car. Katniss doesn't question me any further, so I suppose she understands I don't want to talk about it. To be honest, I'm really not. I just don't want her to worry about me. We begin to drive towards the cemetery, which is only a few miles away from the house. This is where my grandmother is buried, along with Katniss's family. This place isn't my favorite place in the world, seriously, who likes cemetery's? A few minutes later, we pull into the entrance of Lawngreen Cemetary. I know Riley will be off by himself, because he was always a lone wolf. And that's what he would have wanted. Katniss leads me passed other peoples graves on the way to my brothers. I wonder if his will ever end up like some of these. Green moss growing on the side, parts chipping away. People have obviously not visited in a long time, no flowers or anything. Just an old grave. Will his really ever become like that? Will I forget about my brother like these people have forgotten about their loved ones? I hope it never comes to that.

"Stop here." Katniss's voice says. I stop the car and we wait a moment in silence. Just before she is about to get out, I grab her arm, turning her towards me, and giving her a long, loving kiss.

"Why did you kiss me?"

"Why not?" I reply and I get out of the car on my side. I meet her at the front, three things in my arms or I would take her hand. She leads me past a few rows of graves, until finally I see one isolated out further than any of the others. Of course that will be his. I walk a little faster, Katniss is struggling to keep up with me. The dirt is still fresh, but barely visible from all the snow surrounding it. I see the picture they put on his grave, his military I.D photo I sigh, looking at the date he was born and the date he died, knowing they were to close together. Written on the stone says "a son, a brother, a friend, and a hero" I can't argue with that, he is a hero. I grab the flowers and lay them in the snow, and that's when Katniss comes up behind me. Next, I put down the American flag, even though there is already one there. Lastly, the picture. In the frame, is a picture taken a few days after we got to the base. It's me, Finnick, Riley, and Gale. I'm not sure where the other three were, but they weren't in it.

"That's a great photograph." She says, her angelic voice calming me down.

"Yeah it is." she grabs me arm, resting her head on my shoulder. I rest my head on top of hers the cold wind whips through the air, leaving us chilled to the bone. "Why don't you go back to the car? I will be there in a minute." Katniss must understand I want to have a minute alone, she she nods, and she turns to walk the direction she just came from.

"So, Riley, um..." how do I do this? How do I talk to someone who isn't there? "I'm not going to be cliche and write you a eulogy, you are already gone. Seriously, there were times I couldn't stand you. You used to pick on me for liking Katniss, or at school when we were younger you would completely embarrass me. There were days I thought 'if I could only find a gun.' But now, I regret every wrong thing I ever said to you, or ever said about you. I regret our arguments." by now. I am beginning to tear up, I real water running down my cheeks and I begin to shake, just not from the winter air.

"I wish I could do it all over. I would be the best brother to you I could. But I can't, so I'm just going to have to live with it. I would give anything in the world to just hear your voice one more time." I tremble, my entire body does. I'm never going to be able to take back what I ever did or said to him.

"I guess I just have to remember the good and not the bad right?" and suddenly, I feel warm again. Not only warm, but I feel at rest. I feel as though it was okay that we fought, because all siblings do that. It's inevitable. I suddenly remember the times he helped me, or was a shoulder to cry on. I do remember the good, no, the great, about my older brother.

"Never the bad." as if beyond the grave Riley is letting me know all is forgiven, and that he loves me too. He loved me enough to die for me. And I know Riley, he would want me to continue with my life, without feeling guilty.

"You should be alive Riley, you would do so many more great things on this earth than I would. But you gave me a second chance, and I intend on living life to the fullest with what you've given me." and with that said, I turn and walk back to my car where Katniss waits for me. But when I get in, she gets out.

"My turn." she says, walking away from me...

***Katniss's POV***

"My turn." I walk away from Peeta, hopefully giving him time to wipe the tears from his face. I walk the long distance back to where Riley is buried, crossing my arms trying to stay warm.

"I should have done this sooner, but I couldn't remember Peeta let alone his brother. I went to your funeral service, and I'm finally here to tell you one thing..." I take a deep breath. Why is this so hard? It's not like he can reply to me.

"Thank you, for keeping Peeta alive. If he wasn't here, I don't think I could be. I would be dead to the world without him, because he is my rock. So thank you for choosing him. And thank you for your service Riley. Your country appreciates it." I smile shyly, suddenly cold and needing nothing more than to get back into the car. So I hold my coat closer to me, and I take off in a job back to where Peeta waits for me.

"Are you ready?" I ask when I sit back in.

"Let's go." We begin to drive down the road when Peeta gets a text message. Since he is driving, I answer it for him.

"It's Finnick, he said 'Hey, what's up?'" I tell Peeta.

"Reply with 'Don't send anything innapropriate, this is Katniss replying.'" Peeta winks at me. I type out the text and then I glare at Peeta.

"What does he send you?"

"Pictures." He wriggles his eyebrows.

"Peeta Matthew Mellark!" I exclaim, putting on an act for him. I know he would never have innapropiate pictures on his phone. Not even of me!

"I'm kidding, I wouldn't do that. He usually sends me vines or videos of cats." I laugh at him, thinking of Finnick and him sending Vines to cat videos to each other for like three hours. For awhile, we just drive. Finnick is slow to respond, in fact it's at least 30 minutes before he does. I read the text once, twice and three time. I can't believe what it says.

"Peeta!" I all but scream. He swerves a little, startled by my outburst.


"We have to get to the hospital, right now!" Tears forming in my eyes, I read the text one more time.



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