Chapter Fourteen: A Day In The Life

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****Katniss' POV****

I woke up half an hour ago and now I've just finished getting ready.

I go down the stairs as quietly as I can when I have a cast on my leg and am trying to balance without my crutches and am about to get my crutches and go into the kitchen when I hear the other girls talking with music playing loudly to try and mask their conversation. I know it's bad to eavesdrop but it's the only way I find things out around here, I recognise Annie's voice, "We always have what Peeta left her. It could be the key to bringing her memories back."

Then Delly says, "No! We need to save that for when she really needs it. We've barely tried anything to help her with her memories. We need what he left her as a final resort and you know it."

I want to know what it is that Peeta left me but if I stay here for much longer one of them is bound to come looking for me, they're the ones that woke me up so they know I should be ready around now.

I move away from the kitchen door as quickly and quietly as I can then make sure to hit my crutches off the floor quite loudly so the girls will hear me coming.

The talking immediately stops and I walk into the kitchen and put on a fake, and especially sweet, smile "Good morning."

They all say good morning back as I take a cheese bun off the side and slowly rip pieces off and eat them. They all smile for some reason, I'm not sure why but maybe it's something I used to like eating? There was something that kind of pulled me towards taking one but maybe that's just because I'm hungry and it was the first edible thing I set my eyes on.

I finish off the bun and ask, "So, what do we have planned for today?"

Clove answers too enthusiastically, "We're going to try to trigger some of your memories!"

I hate to see the disappointment on their faces when I remember nothing at the end of all of this, it makes me feel guilty even though this isn't exactly my fault. Plus, all of the concentrating on everything that they're saying gives me horrible headaches because off how hard I hit it when I fell, they're so bad it feels like my brain could seriously be on fire. "So, what are you going to show me first?"

Glimmer opens up a laptop on the table, "Your twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts."

"Which one first?"

Delly replies, "Whichever you want Kat."

I kind of like that nickname, everyone but Mr Mellark and Haymitch call me it. Mr Mellark calls me Katniss and Haymith calls me Sweetheart, I'm not sure whether he does it to show he cares or to be condescending and patronising. Either way it's pretty annoying but I won't say anything, he's the only one that's completely truthful to me and I'm grateful for that.

I think about it for a minute, "Twitter." It will be the easiest to go through I guess.

They find my twitter account and open it up. The last tweet is from less than two weeks ago, back when I was actually myself. I read it quickly, it's only short 'Missing all of the boys and Jo too much. Stay strong everyone else in the same situation.' A lot of the tweets before that are about similar things then I see one that simply says 'Little by Little on repeat. It has been helping me a lot @Iamtich thank you'.

"Guys, what's little by little?" I remember Peeta mentioning it when we were on skype but I can't really recall what he said about it. Just that he took me to a concert and that's when we became a couple.

Annie comes and stands behind the chair I'm sat on, she rests a hand on my shoulder, "It's the song that saved your life sweetie."

"What? How can a song save someone's life?"

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