Katniss and Peeta's Epilogue

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***5 years later***

I close the garage door and I sigh. It has been a very tiring day, and I almost took a nap on the way home. The only thing keeping me awake was a text I received from Peeta this morning. He told me that he had a surprised for when I got home. Even though we have plenty of money, I still work. Peeta and I would both be very bored without jobs so we both work at a bakery he opened here in North Carolina. He had the day off today, but I didn't. It's crazy the amount of people that decided they wanted to come to the bakery today. Don't get me wrong, business is business, but sometimes it seems people could find another place to buy cakes and cheese buns. I don't blame them though, Peeta's recipe is the best in town. I suppose I just wanted a little break today.

It doesn't matter, Peeta's surprises are always worth it in the end. Nothing special is going on though. It's not my birthday, not his birthday. This isn't the anniversary of the day the war ended, or of when we opened the bakery. We moved into the beach house, the one we found while we were on spring break, on March 29 so that's not it either. What could today be? December 15.... December 15.... What is today? It sounds like it is something but I'm not sure. I shrug, maybe it's not anything. So I walk into the house, closing the door behind me and finding all the lights turned off.

"Peeta?" I say. I receive no answer. "Peeta?" I call out again. This time I hear something coming from the kitchen. That has to be Peeta. I walk around the corner, slowly making my way into the kitchen to find the lights off. "Peeta? What are you doing?" I ask. This time I do get a reply.

"There is no Peeta here. I'm just a lady." Comes from behind the island. Obviously a man's voice trying to sound feminine. I flick on the lights and in front of me is a candle lit dinner set up, a vase with flowers, and a banner that says "Happy Anniversary Katniss!!"

"Oh no, that's what today is." I mumble.

"What was that?" Peeta says standing up.

"Uh, nothing?" I say trying to avoid him knowing that I forgot.

"It's okay that you forgot Katniss, it was bound to happen at some point." He laughs at me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, sounding offended.

"Well, let's face it. I have obviously never given any indication of forgetting the most wonderful day of my life, but you.... You can't remember what you ate for dinner last night." He smiles.

"I had pizza." I declare.

"We had chicken. Pizza was two nights ago." He smirks at me.

"No it wasn't. I distinctly remember dropping pepperoni on your jeans and having to clean it up." I say.

"No, you dropped the chicken when I pulled it out of the oven and I volunteered to eat the ones that fell on the floor." He shoots back. Crap, I do remember that.

"Fine, you win." I mumble.

"What was that?" He asks, putting a hand to his ear.

"I said you win. I'm forgetful and you remember everything." I sigh at him.

"That's what I like to hear. Now come on, I've set up a dinner and I have another surprise afterwards." He takes my hand and leads me to the table, pulling out my seat for me and pushing me in. He is dressed nicely, black pants and dress shoes, a button for shirt, tie, and a jacket. He looks almost as stunning as the day we got married.

"I feel so under dressed compared to you." I say, taking a bite of salad.

"That's because you are." He says, taking a drink of water.

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