Chapter Seven: Skype

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***Peeta's POV***
They killed me yesterday. It's not the first time it's happened but this time They literally took me to some water and drowned me, I saw the white light. And just as I was reaching the end of the light, just as I could hear my grandmas voice, I felt a sharp pain, bringing me back to reality. I lied there, Finnick was giving me CPR.

"What, why are you...?" I asked when I got my voice.

"Apparently the AHD needed a longer charge, so while they were trying to do that I decided I would save you." He says obviously annoyed that we even had to do it. Now I sit on my bed after a long day of training. When they killed Johanna, the AHD malfunction and she received a series of shocks instead of being revived right away. So this morning when we began training, it was actually raining pretty heavy and she refused to leave her bunk. The drill instructor was yelling at her and even pointed a gun at her but she wouldn't budge. Finally he left her inside but threatened her with 100 push-ups. She still didn't seem effected by it.

So now, two hours after dinner I lay in my bed looking at the picture of Katniss on my ceiling. I wonder how she is holding up with everyone being gone. I wish I could be there with her, to help fight off her nightmares. Hopefully we will get our two week leave in 6 months, though it seems like forever since it's only our second week here. I decide I should lay down to sleep because I know I'll need up early, as I have to be everyday. But when I close my eyes the door swings open, causing a loud bang that wakes up the entire bunk.

"Listen up!" Our drill instructor, or as we are to call him, Instructor Thread says. "You each have one hour on the computer which is in the mess hall. Use it as you wish." and he closes the door. Everyone starts to stand up but I'm literally moving faster than the lightening flashing in the night sky. I'm barefoot and the ground is wet and cold, but I don't care. I run in the direction of the mess hall, finding Someone standing from the computer desk. I'm in the seat and logging into Skype before anyone has even come into the room.

The contact I hit is Katniss'. Her username is K.Everdeen29 I don't care that her username isn't anything special, just the thought of what happens when I click it is enough for me. I hit video call and that's when the door opens. Begin me Finnick is carrying Johanna, trying to block her from the rain. Riley follows him, along with Gale, Cato, and Marvel. They rush to the computer but I don't move, praying Katniss answers her Skype. After 8 rings I begin to loose hope, but then Skype says Conntecting. My face breaks out into a smile and after a moment I see her beautiful face, that's hen the tears start, but not from me. I sit smiling at her while she cries, a smile across her face as well.

"Peeta!" She says. "Hang on I need to wake the girls."

"Take the laptop with you." I say not wanting to look away from her. She picks it up and runs first to Annie's room, we let Finnick go in front of the camera while Katniss puts the laptop in front of Annie.

"Annie, wake up Ann." Finnick says. She opens her eyes slowly at first, but then they almost pop out of her head as she grabs the computer. We do the same thing with Delly and Gale, and Glimmer and Cato. Each time the girls have the same reaction. One thing I can say is there are a lot of tears, even a few from us here. Not myself, I refuse to let people see me cry.

"Peeta?" Katniss' angelic voice says.

"Hang on, say my name again." I close my eyes and wait for her. When she says it again I imagine myself laying in a bed next to her, she is saying my name to wake me up. Probably because she is hungry and wants me to cook her something.

"Yes?" I open my eyes and am thrown back into reality.

"Have you been in any combat yet?" her voice shakes with worry.

"No, but they have been training is how to load, clean, properly assemble, and shoot fire arms."

"It's not that bad Kat." Gale says "nothing has happened so far."

"When it does will you let us know?" Annie says, holding herself. One look at Finnick says that he wants to be holding her.

"As soon as possible." Cato assures her. We all talk for awhile, trying to stay clear of the war topic. The girls have all moved into Katniss' old house, which makes me fear she is having bad memories. No one tells the girls about how we were drowned yesterday, or the time before, because that would only worry them. It sucks because they do have a lot of questions about what is going on around the base and I don't want to talk to them about it, it will only scare them.

Finally, after almost two hours of talking to them, we know we need to go so we can sleep. I don't want to leave them when I haven't seen them in so long. Everyone says a good bye, a lot of 'I love you's" are said as well. When everyone leave, I stay on with Katniss for an extra minute.

"What if you come home different? War changes a lot of people." she says.

"I won't be in that crowed."

"It's not something that people let happen, it just does. I've been reading a lot about Military Veterans with PTSD and-" I cut her off.

"Stop reading those things. It will only worry you when there isn't anything wrong. Okay?" She looks away from the screen for a minute.


"Katniss I really need to go, I have to be up before dawn so I'm already only getting about 5 hours of sleep."

"Right, I'm sorry to keep you up." She says looking at me again.

"You have no reason to be sorry, I wanted to see you." I place my hand on the monitor where her cheek is, but I like the feeling of flesh better than a screen. "

"I miss you." She says with fresh tears in her eyes.

"I miss you too, and I'll hopefully see you in a few months." The way I meant it was hopefully we will get our leave time, but the way she took it was hopefully I'll still be alive at that time.

"I hope so." she says.

"I love you.

"I love you too." She smiles a little for me and that's when I have to end the Skype call. Katniss is on the other side of the world, where she is just waking up, worried about if I'll come back home the same way. Worried if I will come back at all. Her worry only adds extra stress to myself. I walk back in the rain and when I get into my bunk, I know the others aren't sleeping. They lay awake, as will i, thinking about when we can Skype them again.


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