Chapter Fifteen: Panic

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***Finnick's POV***
I wake up to soft beeping and I know I must be in the medical building. My head hurts, and there is a bandage around it. It hurts to move, so I just lay there with my eyes closed trying to Ignore the world. I remember the dog tag, and that's what makes me shoot up despite the horrible pain shooting from my head to my toes, and a scream escapes me, but not because of the agony. Someone pushes back the curtains that seperate me and other patients, and tries to lie me back down. I thrash around trying to show her she is just wasting her time, because until I know for sure Peeta is dead, I won't rest. It's one of those things you just can't leave unanswered. Two more nurses have come to my section and all three of them are trying to hold me down, asking each other why I'm acting like this.
"Is he having a seizure?" One of them asks.
"No I'm not!" I say finally laying back because maybe if I seem calm, they will talk calmly to me and tell me what's going on.
"What's wrong?"
"I need to know what happened since the attack. First, how long has it been?"
"You've been asleep for about 5 days now." The brown haired nurse says.
"Did we win the fght? How many people died? Who died?" I ask in a rush, finished with being calm.
"You need to relax, your heart rate keeps increasing and you will raise your blood pressure and possibly have a heart attack." The blonde haired nurse says.
"Just answer my questions and I will calm down." I lie and they know that because the beeping continues to go faster.
"We won the battle, but not by much. Either way we needed a win. Many people died, so we are preparing more soldiers now. It's hard to name everyone who died."
"Mellark? Did Peeta Mellark die?" I ask. They look at each other for a minute and their faces drain of color. They turn their backs to me and speak in a whisper, nodding and looking back at me every few seconds. Finally, they face me again and I can see tears in their eyes.
"Please just, don't freak out again. But there was a Mellark on the list, so to the best of our knowledge your friend is dead." The nurse with red hair says. Her red hair reminds me of Annie. Her figure is the same, the length of her hair the same, and her eyes almost the exact same shade as hers, so I hearing her tell me that Peeta is dead is like hearing it come from my girlfriend. My breathing slows down, and my chest starts to tighten. Gasping for air, I get out,
"He's... dead... he... can't be..." tears roll freely down my face and I hold onto the bedside tightly.
"Just stay calm." One of them says but I can't, is it honestly possible? To stay calm after you find out your best friend has died.
"But-" Before I can answer, The curtain opens more and I see my blue eyes, blonde haired, best friend, enemy, and best friend again.
"Peeta!" I basically yell and I try to get out of bed, only to be held back by stupid wires. Peeta rushes to me anyways and I hug him.
"I thought you were dead, I saw your dog tag." I say still choked up. The nurses have left. You would think I would be angry with them because they made me believe Peeta was dead, but everyone makes mistakes. Some bigger than others.
"They weren't mine." He says releasing me, taking a chair and pulling it next to my bed. I can tell he hasn't slept in awhile, his eyes have sunken and look a shade darker upon further examination.
"Who...?" I ask and it clicks.
"Riley, they sent his body back to home, but I won't be able to attend his funeral." He says trying not to cry.
"Peet, I'm sorry, they should let you leave. It's your brother."
"I'm not sure I could handle it anyways. How are you though? You've been out for a few days."
"Better now that I know you're alive. Are you others hurt?"
"No, they were far enough away from the explosion that they only heard it. But Cato rushed in our direction because he somehow knew that's where we were, but he still wasn't close enough. Just shows how many people are willing to lay down their lives for us."
"Yeah, It's an honor really. I just wish someone would have done that for Riley."
"I'd rather not talk about it. They should be burying him about now and it hurts to think about it."
"What did you see?" I ask, you can tell he's seen things that will never leave his memory, and will haunt him forever.
"Riley um, wasn't sent home with all of his body intact. An arm missing, and he was decapitated. But he saved my life, he jumped in front of me before the grenade went off." Tears now slide down his face.
"I'm sorry Peeta."
"Seriously, I don't want to talk about it anymore."
"Okay, I'm sorry." I say.
"Um, so they are planning a surprise in a couple of weeks on a Capitol base, only the strongest can go. Think you'll be better by then?"
"Heck yeah, I'm not letting you guys have all the fun." I say laughing.
"That's right." He punches me on the shoulder. "I have to go, but I'll stop by later."
"Okay, I'm going to take a nap." I say suddenly tired.
"You just slept for 5 days, how do you want to take a nap?"
"Because I'm me, now go peasant!" He walks away from my cot, and I roll over to a more comfortable position. Somehow, I fall back asleep, knowing my best friend is alive. It helps.
Sorry the update took forever! I haven't been inspired to write lately!
Okay, so my cousin and I were talking and she said she was eating toast, so I said I wanted toast but all I was doing was writing fan fiction. And she told me to make the characters eat toast. So I did, and this is what I sent her.

"I'd rather not talk about it." Peeta says "they are burying him right now and it really hurts to think about it." He looks down at his hands with tears in his eyes, his hand moving into his pocket, and he pulls out a piece of toast.
"Do you have any jam?" He asks in a shaky voice. I tell him no, and his face lowers more.
"I knew I should have brought some." He whispers before taking a bite of dry toast, only moistened by his tears.

Bahahaha! She wanted me to add it to my authors note so I hope you all enjoyed it!
So, until next time....

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