Chapter Twenty Eight: Airport

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***Finnick's POV***

Everyone is so emotional. I stand in the airport, with no one by my side. Peeta has Katniss, Gale has Delly, Marvel has Clove, Cato has Glimmer. Heck, even Johanna has James. But I'm by myself. Annie couldn't leave the hospital, so earlier this morning as I was leaving the hospital is when we said our goodbyes. Noah was a big part in that, I held him the whole time. I needed desperatley to hold him, and to keep him as close to me as possible because I'm not sure if I when I will hold him again, if ever.

Johanna actually is worried about leaving this time. Last time, she thought no one cared about her and that no one loved her. I would say her and James are in love just yet, it's only been two weeks. but he does care about her so it's making it harder for her to go. I even saw a few tears.

I sit and wait for the rest all of them to get finished saying goodbye, but we don't have to board for another hour. I really wish I could be with Annie and Noah, but I can't. I do, however, have a picture of both of them that I will keep with me at all times.

Sometimes, I think I'm a bad father. Even though Noah was born only days ago, here I am running off to war. I know it's not my fault, and I can't do anything, but I'm missing a big part in his life. Sure, he won't remember it, but that doesn't really matter. I won't be there for the long, sleepless nights. Feeding at 11 pm, 2 am, and 5 am. Depending, I won't be there for three month pictures, or when he can sit up on his own.

And what about Annie? she is stuck with all of that and more since I won't be around. I know the girls will help and all, but a dad should be there. What if something happens to them? Something terribly awful. I won't be there to protect them, I won't be there to keep them safe.

I didn't even notice I was crying until I see a small pool of water by my feet. I try to wipe my eyes before anyone sees, but Peeta and Katniss are already walking my way.

"Are you okay Finnick?" Katniss asks. I love Katniss, she is like my sister. But oh, if looks could kill she would have been dead three times.

"What kind of question is that?" I snap at her.

"I suppose a conversation started. What are you thinking about?"

"How I'm probably the worse father on the planet." I look at the ground again.

"Peeta? can we have a minute?" Katniss asks, and Peeta leaves after nodding.

"Why would you think that?" She sits next to me.

"Because I'm Leaving my newborn and his mother behind while I go off to war."

But Finnick, that's not your fault. In fact, there are some parents who leave there kids by choice. you will be back in six months."

"I can't stand the thought of leaving them. Annie can't take care if a child by herself." I turn to look at Katniss "you have to promise me, no matter what, you will be there for her. Because I'm not around to protect her"

"I promise, I cross my heart." it makes me feel better to have a true commitment to keeping Annir and Noah safe, not just assuming they would.

"Thank you." she hugs me, and I hug her back. I haven't really spent much time with Katniss during this break, I should have. Next time, I will make sure to be included with her as well. We continue to talk, trying to keep our minds off of everything around us. We have been keeping up on the news while they have been home, and things actually look better. The United States has been pushing further into enemy territory and we have taken out two groups since we got back. Maybe this will all be over soon and I will be able to come back to Annie. I'm going to miss her even more now that Noah is with us.After so long of course, Peeta comes back over to us. Not long after that, all the others realize they need to be with us. My parents aren't coming for another 15 minutes or so, and Peeta's family came 5 minutes back. Even after what his mother did, he still sits with her on one side, and Katniss on the other. She listens to his story of what happened at war the very first day when Johanna mouthed off, and Johanna tries to deny mouthing off and that she was just defending the woman at the camp, though there are very few. His mom laughs, along with everyone else, just to keep our minds off of things. Other parents show up, and finally my own. They are the only family I have here right now, so I try to make the most out of the next few minutes I will have with them. But when they walk into the door, and I rush over to them, they look worried about something.

"Hey, where have you been? We are about to board." I say.

"Finnick, we just came from seeing Annie and the baby." My mom says, a shy smile forming on her face.

"Isn't he cute?" I ask a smile on my face as well.

"He is, adorable actually. But um..." My dad trails off.

"But what?" My mom starts crying, which I assume is because I'm about to leave for another 6 months to a year. She walks away from my father and I, so my dad walks me towards where the others are walking away from their loved ones and getting on the plane. When I'm standing directly in front of the door, he stops. Everyone's luggage, which isn't much, is already on.

"Your mother held him, Annie held him, and I held him. Um, this is hard for me, but while I was holding him..." He trails off again and he has me worried.

"What's wrong?"

"We aren't sure, he didn't seem right, almost like he wasn't breathing but I don't know for sure. A nurse rushed in and there was a lot of yelling and comotion. But he was rushed into the ICU, and that's when we left." My eyes have grown wide, my mouth hangs open and I think I would scream if anything would come out. Before I realize it, I'm trying to run past my father to get to my car.

"I need to get to the hospital, now!" I yell but my dad is holding me back, "Why did you leave her!?"

"Finnick she wanted you to know something was wrong, but that she doesn't know what."

"Why would you tell me right before I have to leave!?" I roar at him.

"Rather do it in person than over skype." He says softly, and I try to calm down. I see an airport worker waiting impatiently for me to board, probably so she can go home. The disrespect soldier get sometimes is terrible.

"Okay." I say, tears streaming my face and I feel out of breath. I turn away from my dad, and I get onto the plane, not knowing what has happened to Noah.



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