Chapter Thirty Three:

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****Delly's POV****

I can't wait to see my Gale again, I've missed him so much recently but the days of missing him are a thing of the past; today is the day that all of the survivors come. I know Gale and I know he'd keep on fighting to the end so he has to be on that plane.

I hear over the intercom that the Jo and the boy's flight is coming in to land, they're some of the last to come home but we're not quite sure why. Not that it matters anyway, at least the war is over.

Everyone is silent as they wait for the crowd of soldiers to come off the plane. The announcement that the flight was landing completely stop the dull roar of conversation amongst family and friends.

Me, the girlfriends and friends of the soldiers and their families all wait for them and everyone seems to notice the distant sound of footsteps. It seems like forever before the owners of those footsteps are visible. The first person I see, just like last time, is Finnick who is rushing towards Annie and Noah with tears streaming down his face; finally he is safe and home with his new little but perfect family, his baby son and girlfriend.

After Finnick the next person I recognise is Johanna, then I notice that she's stood with Peeta, Cato and Marvel... Everyone but Gale. He has to be here somewhere, probably just collecting a bag from off the plane.

Johanna rushes over the James, Cato and Marvel scan the crowd before finding their loved ones and then Peeta spots Katniss who is stood right beside me. I see him notice me and a look I can't quite decipher crosses his face for a split second.

At a quickened pace he walks over here but he doesn't go straight to Katniss like I imagined he would. He comes and stands in front of me as I ask, "Where is he? Where's Gale? Did you just get split up on your way off the plane?" He doesn't reply and then I start to worry, "Please... Peeta, say something?"

He reaches into his pocket and draws out a letter which he carefully places in my hand as he quietly says, "I'm sorry."

I look to Katniss who has a vacant expression on her face, as though the few words Peeta has said have made her numb. He didn't even need to say he was sorry, that look... The look he gave me told me everything I needed to know; I just didn't want to recognise that because that means I would have accepted he wasn't coming back, not alive anyway.

I then look behind me to see Hazelle with tears streaming down her face and all of Gale's siblings, apart from Rory, being confused as to why they are seeing their mother- the strongest woman they know- crying. I turn away from them, knowing that I will completely break down if I see them like that for much longer.

All around me there are couples reuniting, kissing and holding each other. Declaring their love for one and other. Saying how glad they are that they are home and safe and together. I will never have that again. Not with Gale. The last thing I will hear from Gale is whatever is in this letter. I just hope it says everything he wanted it to.

I slip my finger under the seal and carefully open it, making sure not to rip it. I unfold the piece of paper but find myself having to sit down before I can bring myself to read it. I see the messy handwriting that I first saw when I was so young, it's barely even changed since then but, to me, it is the most beautiful sight right now.


If you're reading this then I am gone. First of all, I want you to remember how much I love you and let my friends and family know I love them too. Tell Rory that he is the man of the house now and he needs to looks after mum, Vick and post but he can rely on help from everyone around him.

Now to you, I don't want to anything to stop you from achieving everything you were going to do before you lost me and before this war. I want you to travel like you always desired to and I want you to believe that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

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