Chapter Sixteen: The Truth?

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****Katniss' POV****
5 DAYS BEFORE FINNICK WOKE UP (leading on from where I left my last chapter off.)

Mr Mellark looks up at me with tears in his eyes, "It's Riley, Peeta's brother, he was killed in an explosion."
He breaks down and sobs as does James and I just feel completely out of place, I can't even think of who Riley is. I can't remember what he looks like or how he sounds or what his personality is yet here I am sitting with his grieving family.
James looks at his Dad, "I'll get Mum up here and clear the bakery. We need to close it as a sign of respect."
Mr Mellark nods, takes a deep breath, wipes away his tears and then stands up, "Are you gonna help Katniss?"
I nod and follow after him and James downstairs. He grabs a stool from the kitchen and then puts it behind the counter and stands on it as people look at him strangely, especially his wife. He clears his throat, "Excuse me, can I get everyone's attention please?" All of the customers immediately turn their attention to him, "The bakery is shutting now. I'm sorry and we will give you all refunds but the family has just received news that Riley, my eldest son, has died."
Everyone is silent and then silently stand up and leave the bakery. I shut the door after everyone's left and turn over the sign so that it says 'closed'.
When I turn back around and face the family they all have silent tears running down their faces and I feel completely out of place, I shouldn't be watching these people grieve when I feel nothing but mild sympathy. "I'm gonna go now, you need some time as a family and I don't want to intrude.
I'm sorry for your loss."
I turn reopen the door when the voice of the only other female in the room says, "Wait." What happens next surprises me so much I cannot put it into words, Mrs Mellark rushes over to me and pulls me into a hug. I've been told we hate each other so I don't understand why she is now hugging me.
I awkwardly pat her on the back until she releases me from the hug and when I glance over at James and Alan looks of pure shock have now covered their faces and taken the place of the tears.
Mrs Mellark looks into my eyes, "I'm sorry for everything bad I've said about you, or you and Peeta, I want to put things right between us starting straight away. I'm going to help you get your memory back Katniss, even if it's the last thing I do I swear I'll help."
I nod, unsure of how exactly to respond so I simply say, "Thank you." In a quiet voice.
"Let's start right away, the sooner your memory is back the better."
She gestures for me to follow her and I do to the back room of the bakery, which I have discovered, serves as an office and sort of storage space for the accounts. She sits on the edge of the desk and I take a seat.
Her voice suddenly becomes very hushed as she gets up, locks the door and sits back down again. "Now listen. We can't talk for long because they'll get suspicious but everyone, and I mean everyone, has been lying to you."
I reply in shock, "Even Haymitch?"
She nods with a grim expression, "I'm afraid so honey, they wanted me to keep away from you because they know that I'm the only who will tell you the truth and help you get your memory back.
You see, they've been lying to you so you have less and less chance of getting back to your normal self."
I'm not sure how to react, Can I trust her? Can I trust anyone?...
I guess what she's saying makes sense. They've been doing everything they possibly could to keep Mrs Mellark away from me and they're very eager to tell me everything that will 'help' me get my memory back but then... That doesn't explain how she behaved in the hospital; them again I was confused and tired and they had to tell me what happened when I first woke up so maybe they were lying again.
It all adds up, Mrs Mellark must be telling me the truth because it makes more sense than everything else. "What... What did they lie to me about?... If you don't mind me asking."
"Of course I don't mind you asking but I'm not sure where to start.
Did anyone explain how you got that scar on your arm?"
I nod, "Yeah, Peeta did. He told me I got it in the car crash that my Dad and sister died in."
She shakes her head, "What a horrible lie to tell you. Your father and Primrose did die in a car crash but you weren't there..." She trails off, leaving the story incomplete.
"How did I get the scar then?"
"I really didn't want to be the one to tell you this but... Oh honey, it was Peeta. He lost his temper with you for some reason, it could have been nothing because he has angry outbursts for no reason sometimes, and he gave you that scar but somehow convinced you to keep quiet about it."
I don't know how to respond so I simply say, "Oh..." In a quiet voice that sounds unlike mine, not that I know anything about myself. This is a major setback. "Do I love him?"
"I don't know. You did at one point but that love was wearing thin, especially after the attack when he gave you that scar."
"What else has happened that they lied to me about?"
"What did they say about your Mother's death?"
I swallow and think hard about it, "Peeta told me that... That she died a few months ago and he helped me get through it."
"Oh my dear, I wish I wasn't delivering so much bad news to you today but you must know what they're keeping from you." I just nod as a symbol for her to continue, "Peeta bought you tickets for a concert for the night your mum died. You didn't want to go because your mother was ill and although she assured you it was just the flu you thought there's was something more serious behind the flu like symptoms. Peeta pressured you into going to the concert and while you were there your mother essentially passed away of a ruptured appendix. If Peeta wouldn't have forced you to go to the concert by guilting you into it she may have been saved as you would have been able to see her condition rapidly deteriorating so really, if you think about it, Peeta could well be the reason your mother died."
I gasp in shock, she's completely right. If he wouldn't have made me go I might have gotten my mother to hospital on time... I might still have my Mum here with me to protect me from my bully of a boyfriend and my supposed friends who are lying through their teeth to me.
At least now, I finally have someone who will let me the full horrible truth that everyone else has been hiding from me....


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