Chapter Four: Moving In

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***Katniss' POV****

We all sat by the window and watched the plane take off. After the I could barely bring myself to leave the airport but eventually we all did.

Haymitch made sure we were all okay and gave us his contact details for if we need him. seeing as he's basically the father figure in my life I think I will be seeing him quite a bit while they're all at war.

We drove back to the Mellark house at Mr Mellark's request. Riley also left for war but James is younger so he had to stay behind. I also think I'll be spending a lot of time at the bakery. I want to help them out in the best way I can.

It turns out that Mrs Mellark has been avoiding the family quite a lot. She occasionally comes home. Sometimes horribly drunk and other times in a foul mood. I can't help but feel her behaviour has a lot to do with me and what happened.

When I was driving the car there was a news report on the draftings and I wanted to pull over and allow myself to cry but I stopped myself. It's not like I'll never cry again- I'm sure I'll spend most of the next six months crying, or at least upset. The love of my life is gone. He's gone to war and he may never return. I may never see him again.

When you're used to seeing someone for most of the hours of every single day being apart from them is horrible. I found that out with Prim and my Dad and then my Mum too and I don't think I'd be able to cope with losing Peeta to.

Anyway, back to preset time.

I'm helping James to make tea and coffee for everyone in the hope that it can calm us all down; I think we all know that it won't.

I help to carry the drinks into the front room and pass them around and I take a seat next to Annie.

I sit down for all of thirty second before I think of something.

I get up without saying anything and go into Peeta's room. I open his wardrobe and search through his clothes until I find one of his hoodies.

I quickly put it on and breathe in his scent of freshly baked bread. I walk out of his room and go and take my seat again.

I take a sip of my drink which was stupid because it's too hot so burns my mouth but I don't react.

After around 10 minutes of awkward silence Mr Mellark asks me, "So Katniss. Where are you going to stay now?"

I think about it for a minute and sigh, "I don't know. I was thinking about still moving away to the house me and Peeta bought but now I realise I can't so I'm kind of lost about it all. The only place I can really go to is my old house. As in my Mum's house but I don't want to be alone."

Annie speaks up, "If you wanted I could move in too? My parents are being too over protective and I think it's time I moved out because they're only going to get more protective of me."

I nod my head, "I'd like that."

Delly also asks, "Would it be okay if I moved in too? I need other people around me that will understand what I'm going through."

I agree straight away, I couldn't agree more with what Delly just said.

Shortly after that Glimmer and Clove mention they'd like to move in too. But they make sure to ask if it's absolutely okay with me which, of course, it is.

It will be so much better with all of us around each other

So it looks like I won't be alone and who knows, if we feel up to it we could go on a break to attempt to get away from it all to the house, mine and Peeta's house, by the beach.

I'm not sure about that though.

I kind of feel as though the first time and first people to go to that house should be just me and Peeta when we move in. However, that may not happen because of the war that has ripped us apart.


~Lauren:) xx


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