Chapter Twenty Seven: Confusion

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****Finnick's POV****

Me and Annie are out for lunch. Apparently this pregnancy is causing her to be constantly hungry. It's also causing her to have huge mood swings. This means I have to be very careful around her; if I'm not then she will get extremely angry unbelievably quickly and I'll end up having to sew my head back onto my shoulders after she's bitten it off.

At the moment we're in the middle of desert. I'm about to shovel another spoonful of the warm chocolate cake and ice cream into my mouth my phone begins to ring.

I pull it out to see that Haymitch is calling me. Intrigued I press the answer button and put the phone to my ear, "Hello."

An unfamiliar voice speaks on the other end of the phone, "Am I speaking to Finnick?"

Confused I reply, "It depends. Who is this and why do you have Haymitch's phone?"

"I'm a doctor at Panem Hospital. The owner of this phone has been rushed in with a suspected heart attack and you were the most recent contact on his phone. There isn't anybody here with him right now, he's only just got here and is passed out but I think he will want someone here when he wakes up. We're not sure of the seriousness or damage yet but if you get everyone you feel he's close to to the hospital I'll discuss what we've found in more detail." I'm his most recent contact... he phone me just this morning to arrange a day with me where the group of us victors and careers would meet up with him so he could see us all before we went back.

Annie looks at me confused as I cannot think of a way to respond. I take a deep breath and close my eyes as my free hand pinches the bridge of my nose, "I, uh... I'll be there as soon as I can." I take the phone away from my ear before hanging it up and putting it down on the table in front of me. I open my eyes and look at my worried girlfriend sitting opposite me. She takes my hands in hers and asks me, "What's wrong?"

"Haymitch has had a heart attack and I was the most recent contact on his phone. They want someone he knows there when he wakes up." I suddenly stand up and the chair scrapes along the table. I leave my half eaten dessert and start to walk towards the door with Annie following closely behind me. I turn around to face her, "You should go home. You don't need extra stress."

"If I go home I'll just be stressing by myself. I'd rather be with you."

"I have to tell everyone else. They need to know but I need to get to the hospital... oh god. It's just... There's... I don't know what to do."

She takes my hand and makes us walk the rest of the way outside then she makes us stop just outside the entrance but still under shelter seeing as it's pouring it down with rain, "You drive. I'll send out a text on your phone to everyone that needs to know."

I kiss her forehead and hug her quickly, "Thank you. I don't know where I'd be without you. The thought of you is just about the only thing that's kept me sane."

We get into the car and I start driving while I hear Annie typing out a text beside me. I keep having to remind myself to stick to the speed limit as every so often my foot will just press down harder and we'll speed up considerably because I'm really struggling to keep calm.

After what feels like hours of driving, in silence I might add, I pull into the car park and drive around to see if there are any spaces near to the entrance, of course there aren't so I have to park quite a bit away. When I get out of the car Annie remains in her seat for a few seconds before opening the car door. I walk around to her side and hold the door so it's easier for her to get out. She does so slowly and with one hand holding onto the side of her stomach, "Annie, are you okay?"

She smiles at me and then drops her hand which was on her stomach and takes my hand in it instead, "He's just kicking. It's fine."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and then I see Peeta's car park up opposite to mine. We wait as the rain continues to fall down for him and a teary Katniss to get out of the car. I'm guessing they were already driving as they've gotten here as quickly as we did and the others were probably at home or something like that.

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