Chapter Twenty Three: Appointment

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****Annie's POV****
It's eight o'clock in the morning and I've been awake for half an hour but I'm still lying in bed.
Finnick is lying beside me and I can't even attempt to put it into words how utterly amazing it is to be sleeping in the same bed as him with his arm wrapped around my waist and my head resting on his chest.
It's so easy to forget that I can't let myself get used to it as he's leaving again in two weeks.
Every now and again Finnick subconsciously rubs his hands in small circles on my bump which earns a kick from the baby more often than not. That's the main reason why I'm awake but it's a good reason to be awake, ever since I found out about the major consequence of Katniss' fall I've started to appreciate how much of a miracle this little one is a lot more.
I booked the scan so that Finnick can see the baby for ten o'clock this morning so that we can relax a little before we have to go but so that we have all of the afternoon free. Seeing as it's eight already I should really wake Finnick up but he looks so peaceful and cute while he's sleeping and I don't want to interrupt that. Especially after how bad these past six months have been for him, I can't imagine he got much sleep. He definitely had bags under his eyes yesterday.
I turn around and gently kiss his cheek. When he doesn't stir in the slightest I run a hand through his hair and peck his lips. I see his nose twitch a little but that's the only reaction I get from him until his eyelids move a bit and a smirk appears on his lips for a split second: so he's playing that game, is he?
I sit myself up, which means moving his arms from around me, and then I sit by his side and hit my hand off his chest after every word so it makes a loud noise without hurting him too much as I say, "Get up stupid!"
Without even bothering to open his eyes he replies with, "Five more minutes," in a half asleep voice and then rolls over to face the other side.
I lean over and kiss his cheek again before placing one of my hands over his and fitting my fingers in the gaps between his. "Come on Lazy. You have to make me breakfast."
He sighs and whines like a little kid, "But I don't wanna."
"You can't say no to making breakfast for your pregnant girlfriend. Especially not when she looks like this." I put on my best puppy dog eyes but he still doesn't bother to open his eyes so I start to flick his nose, alternating from one side to the other.
He groans and then turns around so that he can plant his face into the pillow. It's nice to see he's still the Finnick that I knew before the war; still a four year old trapped in the body of a teenager.
I lie back down with my head facing towards him. I then move his hand that still has mine on top of it and place it onto where the baby is currently kicking me. This makes him sit up and he opens his eyes quickly but I don't bother to move from lying down. He moves his other hand to on top of my bump and my free hand joins his there almost immediately as he asks, "What do you want me to make you for breakfast then?"
I laugh a little, "You don't actually have to make me breakfast."
He smirks, "Yes I do," he then proceeds to move his hands and put them onto his hips while he poses like a superhero, "It's my duty to do so ma'am."
This make me giggle, especially when he raises one of his eyebrows and puts on a cheesy grin. He keeps the pose for a good thirty seconds then he lies back down and draws shapes on my stomach. "Seriously though, Annie, what do you want to eat?"
"Toast with cut up bananas and chocolate spread on it."
I nod, "I had a craving for it once a couple months back and it was nice so yeah..."
He kisses the tip of my nose and then leaves the room in just his boxers so I call after him, "Finnick, maybe some pants?"
"Why? Do you find this"-he strikes a ridiculously provocactive pose- "distracting?"
I can't help but laugh as he leaves the room and makes his way towards the stairs. As he does this Peeta's head pokes out of Katniss' bedroom door, probably seeing what the noise was about, a confused look crosses his face as he sees Finnick. Finnick notices Peeta and winks at him which causes Peeta to quickly just go back into Katniss' room and shut the door without another word.
What has happened in the past five minutes seriously just sums up what everyone thinks there is to Finnick when, in reality, there's so much more. Yes, he may be cheeky, daring, lazy and a little, well very, childish but he's caring, romantic, sweet and so many other things I can't do justice to with my own words. I'm so lucky to say I'm his girlfriend and that he loves me just as much as I love him.
Finnick returns in less than ten minutes with two pieces of toast with chocolate spread and bananas on it for me and toast with just jam on it for him. He's also brought us a glass of orange juice each and he places a few sugar cubes on the bedside table. He takes one and pops it into his mouth before offering me one but I quickly turn down the offer, I can't stand the things by themselves. What person in their right mind would want to eat pure sugar? Finnick obviously isn't in his right mind so it's understandable that he likes them.
I pick up my orange juice to take a sip and almost snort it everywhere when I hear Gale muttering something and then Delly replying with, "Well don't expect us to be too impressed. We just saw Finnick Odair in his underwear."
Yep, that's my Finnick. I hope this baby takes after him with all the charm in the world and a cheeky grin which will make me instantly forgive
my son or daughter. With an infectious personality which will annoy the hell out of everyone but still manage to make them smile no matter what.
We both finish eating so Finnick takes the plates and glasses downstairs then he comes back up and asks, "So what time is the scan?"
"Ten o'clock and as it's almost nine now we'd better get a move on mister."
I showered last night so I don't need one now but Finnick does so while he's in the shower I get dressed in dark blue maternity jeans and a white and black stripes t-shirt. I then grab Finnick's black hoody which has hung behind my bedroom door while he was gone. I leave my hair down in it's soft curls and I don't bother putting any make up on.
I then proceed downstairs where I curl up in the armchair and rest my hands on the bump. This baby has become so restless since Finnick came home. I guess it knows that it's Daddy's back.
Finnick comes bouncing down the stairs after around ten minutes looking rather good in the camo pants and white shirt that he has to wear. His hair is still damp which means he didn't bother to use the hairdryer, but believe me he knows where it is.
He sits down next to me and asks, "So if we're taking the car we don't need to set off until,like, quarter to, right?"
"Actually I thought we'd walk."
I stand up and take his hand then go into the kitchen where everyone else, including a rather embarrassed looking Peeta, is so that we can say bye and then we set off walking.
Finnick finds it nearly impossible to stay quiet for longer than thirty seconds unless he is eating so he decides to start a conversation, "So we never really discussed if we wanted to find out the gender of the baby."
"It's up to you. I'm happy either way so I want you to pick."
"No we have to agree."
"Fine, Finnick do you want to find out?"
"I won't tell you because I know you'll just say whatever I say."
"Come on, please. I think it's easy to tell what I want."
He looks a little confused and asks, "Why, what do you want?"
I smirk at him, "Whatever you want because it will make you happy."
Finnick sighs, giving in and accepting defeat, "I want to find out if we're having a boy or girl."
There we go, I knew I'd get him to tell me sooner or later and, honestly, I wanted to know too but I didn't want to find out without Finnick here because it isn't just my decision to make.
We make general conversation for the rest of the way to the hospital. When we get there I sign in at the reception desk and then take a seat. I wait until my name is called out and then I go to the usual room where my midwife, Clara, is waiting for me.
Finnick walks beside me holding my hand and when we walk into the room his face lights up with the biggest smile I've seen from him in a long time.
After Clara asks me the usual questions I lie down and lift my shirt up as Clara asked me to and then she puts cold gel on my stomach and gets the wand out. Finnick's grip on my hand increases, I'm not sure if it's out of nervousness or excitement but I give his hand a reassuring squeeze anyway.
The wand is moved around my stomach and then our baby appears on the monitor and his or her strong heartbeat can be heard around the room. Clara smiles at us and tell us, "Everything is as it should be. Your baby is perfectly healthy and so are you too Annie. Now, would you like to know the sex of the baby?"
Finnick and I both nod in reply and then she asks, "So what do the two of you think you're having?"
I quite confidently reply with, "A baby boy."
And Finnick counters that by saying, "I think it's a girl."
I look at him and ask, "Are you just saying that because it's the opposite of what I said?"
He rolls his eyes, "Of course not." But then a cheeky smile breaks out on his face to let me know that I was right.
Clara laughs at the two of us and then moves the wand around a bit more before saying, "You're having a baby boy."
I turn around and stick my tongue out at Finnick as a way of saying 'Haha I was right and you were wrong' but he doesn't appear to be bothered. Right now is the happiest I think I've ever seen him as I even think I see a single tear roll down his cheek but he quickly wipes it away.
Clara prints is off a picture before we thank her for the scan. Finnick then wipes the gel off my stomach using paper towels then he pulls my top back down and kisses me gently. We leave hand in hand with him holding the picture in his other hand as he stares at it in fascination. That picture must be making everything seem so much more real for him.
We walk to a little cafe and order drinks, a hot chocolate for both of us, and then I ask, "So should we pick a name?"
He nods quickly and makes a suggestion before I even have time to think, "Poseidon."
"No way. I am not having a son called Poseidon."
"But please, we won't have to worry about any other kids his age having the same name."
"Honey, there's a reason for that. Poseidon is not a good baby name."
He sighs, "Fine. What suggestions have you got, little miss boring."
"First of all it's not boring to want your son to have a name which won't ruin his life and secondly, I've had a lot of time to think about this so I have a good idea of my favourite names. What about Evan?"
Finnick shakes his head, "It reminds me of some weird kid from nursery."
"Well what about Tide?"
"I like it but, while we're on the subject of water related names-"
I interrupt him straight away, "I swear, if you say Poseidon again there will be consequences."
"I have taken your point on board and my suggestion differs completely from that so hear me out."
"Okay. Go ahead."
"I've given it some real thought, and I know it's a little out there but how about..... Poseidon."He laughs a little before I face palm to hide the amusement from my face.
I move my hand and he has a serious expression on his face as he asks, "What about Noah?"
"That was actually one of the names I picked as one of my favourites. I love it."
He smiles but it's not cheeky grin, it's a smile of happiness, "I love it too. So he's gonna be called Noah?"
I nod, "Yep. What about middle his middle name now?"
"Well I can think of a name that goes really well with Noah." I nod as a sign that he should continue and then a mischievous sparkle shows in his eyes as he says, "Poseidon. Noah Poseidon sounds great."
I roll my eyes and sigh, "I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that. How about Max, Zack or Logan?
He thinks about it for a minute, "I think Noah Logan sounds good. In fact I really like it."
"Well then, it's settled Noah Logan Odair."


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