Chapter Three: Plane Rides

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Here we are, sitting on a plane to what could be our death. I shouldn't think like that but it is expected right? Over seas, away from the people we love. It is an escape for me from my mother, but if I had the choice to stay and have to be left in a room with only her for 8 hours a day I would. My biggest worry now is Katniss, even though I know all the girls will end up helping each other. Hopefully she doesn't open the envelope I gave her until she is really really depressed about something. The plane begins to fly higher and higher, making me even more nervous. It's at least a 12 hour trip to our base, and then we go through 2 weeks of intense training. They have to train us, but they can't train us how they usually would because of short notice.
"Hey Peeta." Cato says to my right.
"Are you scared?" He asks. What kind of stupid question is that?
"Well duh I'm scared." I snap.
"You don't look scared. I'm pretty sure you are the only person on this plane that looks more angry than afraid."
"I look mad?" I ask and he nods. I guess I am mad, there is no doubt about that. I'm mad that I can't live my dream, waking up next to Katniss, going on the back deck of our new home to watch the sunrise over the water while drinking coffee. This war has completely ruined my dreams, because this war is now my reality.
"I am mad and you should be too." I say. Marvel and Finnick look around Cato to see what I'm saying. "Everything we had, everything we planned, and everything we ever wanted is being ripped away from us and there is nothing we can do or say to stop it." I rant.
"Oh my- are you brainless number two?" Johanna says from behind us and we all turn to look at her and Gale who is sat beside her. I don't think that he's particularly happy to be sat next to her either.
"It's true."
"Peeta listen, you don't have to be so dramatic this isn't a movie or a book. This is real life and real life right now, is staying alive out there."
"You know Johanna you shouldn't be talking about staying alive when you had the choice to come or not." I shoot at her. "This is basically a suicide mission and you willingly came." Gale looks really unimpressed by Johanna'a comments and he looks like he's having to restrain himself from snapping like I just did but Johanna talks before he can.
"Hey, suicide mission or not, I will defend my country. Besides, if I die there is no one left that I love. I've said it before and I will say it again."
"What about your Parents?" Finnick says.
"They are always busy, and honestly I don't think they even know I left, but I was kind enough to put a note on the counter."
"They still love you." Marvel says.
"But maybe I don't love them. They are barely around anyways."
"What about us? Or the girls?" Cato says.
"You have to realize I'm fond of you guys, and like you, but I don't love anyone." She says.
"Why not?"
"Because it's only harder to lose someone, either by death or they go by choice, when you admit that you love them." When she says this I'm about to get out of my seat, but Finnick beats me to it. He leaves our row and goes on front of Johanna, pointing a finger at her.
"What about us? How do you think it will be for us if you die? You may not love anyone but that doesn't mean we don't love you! So stop thinking of only yourself and think about how your death would effect us!" He is furious, I can tell, because he then stomps away from us and to the back of the plane.
"You guys don't understand do you!" Johanna yells now. "If I die out there, if you die out there, if anyone does out there you will be missed for awhile and then people will continue with their lives! You will just be a date, a date that they visit your grave!" Johanna stands up and walks in the other direction of the plane. Cato, marvel, Gale and I just sit there, waiting for one of them to return. After 15 minutes when neither of them do, I decide to go look for Finnick. I find him in the back bathroom, splashing cold water on his face.
"I shouldn't have blown up on her." He says when I walk in.
"You had every right to."
"No I didn't. It was uncalled for." He says wiping his face dry.
"She deserves it, she makes it sound like everyone would only be effected for a short time if we die."
"What if she is right though?"
"Finnick you know as well as I do that it won't be like that. Annie would never be able to move on from you,"
"What if I want her to? If I die I don't want her to have to live alone because she doesn't think she had my permission to find someone else." He says rubbing his eyes.
"Then I would suggest sending her a letter of some sort." I smile and hit his shoulder, "but she will never have to do that because you are going to be fine." I assure him.
"Alright." With that, we go back to our seats.

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