Chapter Six:

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****Katniss' POV****

I hate being back in this house.

It's not even been an hour and I already want to leave. I don't know how I'm going to live here. My guess is that I'll have to go out a lot, if I don't I'll end up having some sort of breakdown and, of course, Peeta won't be here to help and comfort me which will make everything worse.

I haven't been back here since the day My Mum died, that was also the day me and Peeta actually got together but that excitement was soon lost and he got stuck with me after losing a loved one and we'd only just gotten together which put a lot of stress and weight on our relationship but we lasted through it and that gives me the belief that we can cope through anything; even this war.

I still have the letter Peeta gave to me in my pocket. I don't know what to do with is because I'm already kind of tempted to open it but he told me to save it for a really bad day and I will because I know there will be much worse days including the anniversary of Prim and my Father's death which is a few months away and unless some miracle takes place the boys and Jo will still be fighting.

I hate the thought of my Peeta out there fighting. I just can't imagine him with weapons or anything like that. I'm not saying he's weak, in fact he's incredibly strong from all of the lifting he does at the bakery but what I mean is that I can't imagine him injuring anyone, never mind killing them, because he's so kind hearted and sweet. I just hope he doesn't come back a changed man.

I don't want him to change because to me he's perfect how he is and doesn't need to change.

I didn't notice but I've got the letter out of my pocket and I'm turning it around in my hands. I need to give it to someone for safe keeping.

I walk out of my bedroom and downstairs to the kitchen where I can hear a conversation. I walk in and see Clove and Annie talking.

Their conversation comes to a halt as I walk on but I don't care. They could have been talking about me and I'm still not bothered.

"Clove, can you look after this for me."

"Sure but what is it?"

"A letter Peeta gave me but he told me to save it for a really bad day and I'll end up opening it and them have a worse day so I want you to keep hold of it and only give it to me when you think I need it."

She nods, "Of course."

Annie pretends to look offended because I didn't give it to her, "You've known me for too long so as soon as I would have asked for it you would have been likely to give it to me because you're nice. That's not saying you're not nice Clove, you're just less likely to give in to my asking. That isn't meant to offend either of you. I just really want to save it until I completely need it because it could be the only thing I hear from him in months. It might not be but I don't want to open what could he the only thing from him when I won't appreciate it as much."

They both nod and then I retreat back to my room.

I search through the things I brought back from Jo's until I come across what I was looking for; pictures of Peeta, me & Peeta and the big group of us (the victors and the careers together.)

I tape them to the ceiling above my ,slightly higher than average, bed and I put my favourite of me and Peeta on the beach from when we took the trip away on my bedside table so that they'll be the last thing I see before I go to sleep and the first thing I see when I wake up.

I lie down on my bed and stare up at the photos.

I'm exhausted from the pain of the last few days and because I'm back in this house and before I know it I drift off.

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