Chapter Twenty Five: Going Out

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****Johanna's POV****

I'm going on my first ever date tonight and I have to wear uniform. I can safely say that I never thought I'd be wearing camo pants and a camo shirt on my first date, but at least I don't have to go shopping for a new outfit. I hate shopping.

I'm going out with James. He's meeting me at the cinema and then we're deciding what to watch.

I've already straightened my hair and put on eyeliner and mascara so I'm ready to go but it's still forty minutes until we're supposed to be meeting. I think I'll walk to use some of the time up instead of sitting around the house being bored.

Mum and Dad have gone away to some business conference. That's basically the only reason they came to the airport; they had to leave about ten minutes after I got off the plane and the airport was on the way to wherever they were going. That's when me and James first started talking. Katniss hit him when he told Peeta about Mrs Mellark and then James was alone, just like I was, so I went over to make sure he was okay. We went to get a coffee in the airport and we talked a lot and really seemed to click so he asked me if I wanted to go out sometime and obviously I said yes.

It's weird because he's Peeta's brother and I never thought of him as anything more than that until now but I'm not sure what you'd really call us... I guess we're just friends at the moment but I don't know if I want it to stay at 'just friends'... I don't know.

We decided not to tell anyone we're going out today. They'd just fuss and make a big deal out of nothing. You'd have Clove and Glimmer begging to do my hair and make-up then Katniss freaking out about us dating brothers and Annie... Annie would probably be trying to calm everyone down along with Delly as they attempt to get me to open up to them and tell them my feelings or some crap like that.

I search around the house to try and find my house keys and eventually I do. I grab my mobile phone and purse, shove them in my pockets and then leave after locking up. I walk quite slowly, taking a long route to get to the cinema. There better be something good on tonight and if there isn't then we can skip watching a movie and go to dinner early instead, a marine perk is that we get dinner wherever we want free during the break. I'm going to take full advantage of this and pig out on some of the finest food there is around here. I may as well eat whatever I like whilst I can.

Before I know it I'm outside of the cinema. I'm still a little early but not majorly. I walk inside and am surprised to see James is already here, waiting on the seats by the door. As soon as he sees me a smile lights up his face and I can't help but smile back, I even feel myself blushing a little! Johanna Mason does not blush.

I make my way over to him, attempting to not show how excited and nervous I am to be here with him. I sit down next to him, leaving a comfortable distance in between us until James shuffles a little closer to me and asks, "So what do you want to watch?"

I shrug my shoulders and look up at the board with the films and times on. I don't want to seem like I'm mental by suggesting a horror film or something full of gore even though those are my favourites. I also don't want to sit around waiting for ages so it looks like I have the choice between The Fault in our stars or animated children's films. Hmm, I wonder what to pick? Note the sarcasm.

"Let's watch the fault in our stars." He raises his eyebrows a little so I ask, "What?" And I may have sounded extremely defensive without quite meaning too.

"Nothing. You just don't seem like the type of girl to like romance films."

"Is that... Is that a bad thing?"

"Of course not. It's one of the things I like the most about you: you're not the typical girl but that's honestly great. It's different."

I find myself blushing again. I think there's something wrong with me today. "I still want to see the film though. I read the book because the other girls did and then they forced me to as well. It was a really good book. John Green is a literary genius."

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