Chapter Thirty One: Tiring Day

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****Annie's POV****
It's been two days since I've hear anything from Finnick. In fact, it's been two days since any of us have heard anything from the guys and Jo. We're not really sure why but we're all on edge. Every time there's a knock at the door or a phone makes a noise we far the worst and now I have one more thing to worry about; today is the day that I bring Noah home.
Finnick had been emailing me every single day, wanting to know how Noah and me were doing. I always meant to reply but I've been so busy and I've been falling to sleep as soon as I get back from visiting. It's all be extremely hectic so I may have replied ten times in the past week, if that.
The last email I sent to him was two days ago, it was quite long and in it I told him that the doctors and nurses had started to put plans into action so that our baby boy could come home. I don't know if Finnick has read it. I don't even know where he is. All I know is that I miss him so much and wish he was here with me so that we could bring Noah home together. To a house that would be just ours. I can imagine Finnick bouncing off the walls and basically shaking with excitement like a little kid on christmas.
The harsh reality is that I can wish for it all that I want but Finnick isn't going to be here, with me, to bring him home for the first time.
My parents are coming with me to bring him home, they're going to support me and then I'm going to go around to Finnick's parents' house so that they can spend some time with their grandson before just me and him come back here, to the place that will be his first real home and, although it is far from ideal, I will try my hardest to make it the best home that it can be. One of the things that I am certain of is that he has so many people around him that love him so much. Whenever his beautiful green eyes lock onto anyone's they seem to instantly fall in love. Noah has basically got everyone wrapped around his little finger and when he's Finnick's son you can't really expect anything else.
A knock on the door sends me rushing down the stairs to answer it. When I get to the bottom of the stairs I see that Katniss has already opened the door and walks out as my parents walk in. Maybe she's avoiding me, today isn't going to be easy for her after what she found out but after having a discussion with her about bringing him back here she said that she'll love having him around and I believed her because everyone knows that Katniss is a terrible liar, but then again she's good at putting up walls and showing a fake smile.
I hug my mum and then my dad before grabbing the baby carrier which is also a car seat and the bag full of baby things. I'm driving up to the hospital with my mum and dad in their car because they feel as though it should just be me and Noah when we go to Finnick's parents' house.
I put everything into the car and then set off towards the hospital. I'm excited but more nervous than ever before. After I sign those discharge papers Noah is going to completely rely on me and that is one of the most terrifying things I have ever had to face, it comes second to losing anyone else because of the war.
When I pull up in the hospital car park I don't get out of the car but instead I remain sat in my seat with my head in my hands; this isn't real. It can't actually be happening, not without Finnick here. This isn't how bringing your baby home for the first time should be.
Maybe I'm not fit to look after him. What if I do something wrong? Am I ready for this?
A knocking on the window brings me out of my frenzied thoughts. My parents are stood next to the door of the car, looking expectantly at me. I wind the window down and say, "I'll come inside in a minute. Go in without me."
This is it. I have to put all of my worries aside and do this. My little boy is waiting for me to take him out of hospital and bring him home.
I undo my seatbelt and head inside after I grab the baby carrier and bag.
I'm on autopilot as I take the usual route to Noah's ward. It's going to be weird not coming her once, or sometimes twice, a day. I'll have time to do more which is a positive. I walk into the room which I've pretty much lived in for the past few weeks and find my parents already there, pulling stupid faces and making silly noises at their grandson. He's still wearing what he slept in so I go through the small pile of clothes that he has here and decide on a pair of dungarees, a green long sleeved baby grow and a knitted cardigan because it's quite cold outside. I get him ready for the day and then I pack up the few things that belong to us in the room and then sign the discharge papers. I'm not nearly as scared as I was before; I've realised that I can do this. I was working myself up before but I know that I'll be able to look after Noah. I have so much support around me so even if I'm having a hard time it won't last for long; someone will help me.
I pick up Noah and cuddle him quickly before strapping him into the baby carrier before heading out of the hospital.
Now I have to go to the Odair's house.
Exhausted, I walk through the front door. I stayed at Finnick's parents for quite a few hours. They offered to make me lunch so I accepted and then they started to show me baby photos of Finnick and Noah is almost identical to him the only differences are that my son's hair is slightly more bronze with a barely noticeable red tint and his curls seem to be slightly tighter. By the looks of it Noah has identical eyes to his father, the most amazing green you could ever imagine. There's this mischievous glint in them which tells me he's going to be a trouble maker, just like his daddy. With Finnick and Noah together they're going to be so badly behaved, I can already tell.
I walk into the front room and take Noah out of his baby carrier before taking a seat on the sofa. I lie his tiny body on my stomach as I lean back against the back of the couch and his head rests on my chest as he falls asleep. Hopefully he'll sleep tonight as well, the hospital staff said he's only been waking up once for a feed so he sleeps more than babies normally do, they usually wake up three or four times during the night but Noah just feeds more during the day and goes to sleep a little later than other babies but I can deal with that.
The front door opens and closes before Katniss and Clove walk into the front room. They're talking quite loudly but, luckily, Noah doesn't stir. As soon as they see the sleeping baby they stop being so loud and Clove comes and sits next to me, "How's his first day out of hospital been?"
"Exciting but nerve wracking. It's been busy so I'm tired but I'm just glad he's home."
Katniss walks straight through into the kitchen and comes out a few minutes later with a bottle of water in her hands and her car keys, "I'm going to the bakery. See you guys later. Annie, I'm glad that he's out of hospital and settled in." As soon as she's finished talking she's out the front door again and I can't help but feel as though she is avoiding me.
Clove notices that I must be thinking that Katniss is purposefully going out to avoid me and Noah as she says, "Don't worry about her. She's being saying how excited she is that Noah is going to be here with us. She's just busy because she's helping out at the bakery, going into the school to see Haymitch and basically doing everything she can to keep her mind off worrying about Peeta. Don't take it personally."
"It just seems kind of... Too Coincidental I guess."
"If Katniss had any problem with this you'd know about it. She's such a bad liar and she sucks at not letting people know what she really thinks. She's so stubborn, if she didn't want you here she'd tell you. She's honestly just really busy."
"You're right. I'm worrying about nothing. As long as it's okay with you I'm gonna take this little dude upstairs and have a nap while he's asleep too. I'm so tired."
She smiles at me as begin to stand up "Go ahead. Shout if you need anything."
I head upstairs and set Noah down in his crib next to the bed before lying down myself. I don't go to sleep; I can't when Finnick is on my mind, so instead I close my eyes and try to get some form of rest.
It's one o'clock in the morning and Noah won't go back to sleep. He had a feed at midnight and he doesn't need a clean diaper so I don't know what's wrong but he just keeps crying. He woke up around twenty five minutes ago and hasn't shown any signs of calming down since. He has actual tears streaming down his little red face and I fell like such a terrible and hopeless mother because I don't know what to do to get him to go back to sleep.
I cradle him in my arms and bounce him gently but that doesn't help. I stand up and rest him against me with his head on my shoulder while I slowly and softly walk back and forth in the room but that doesn't help either. I hope this isn't disturbing everyone else in the house because it's not fair on them.
After another ten minutes he still hasn't stopped crying but I've started to sob quietly. "I'm sorry Noah. What's to do? I know that sometimes all you want to do is cry. I don't know what to do; You don't understand what I'm saying. I'm such a hopeless mummy. I'm sure your daddy would know what to do. He's amazing you know? And he loves you so much.
Please stop crying. Please."
He still doesn't stop and I can't either. The tears slowly fall down my face as I realise I've failed already. I need Finnick but the truth is, I don't know if he'll ever be here again. I don't even know if he's alive. This whole situation is completely out of my control with both Finnick and Noah and I hate it.
I turn around when I hear the sound of the door handle being pushed down and then the door opens and reveals Katniss. She takes one look at both of is crying and then walks straight into the room. "Oh Annie, why didn't you come and get one of us?"
"I-I didn't want to wake you up. I thought I could cope with this by myself but I can't. He just won't stop crying, Katniss, and I don't know what to do."
Softly she replies to me, "Hey, hey. It's okay. It's okay to need help Annie. Looking after a baby is difficult for any new parent, never mind when they've got so much more going on around them. Don't worry about it. Do you want me to try and get him off to sleep?"
I nod and pass Noah over into her arms. She sits down on the edge of the bed and cradles him in her arms. She proceeds to bounce him softly like I did before and then she softly sings a lullaby to him,
"Deep in the meadow, under the willow
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow
Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes
And when again they open, the sun will rise.

Here it's safe, here it's warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you.

Deep in the meadow, hidden far away
A cloak of leaves, a moonbeam ray
Forget your woes and let your troubles lay
And when again it's morning, they'll wash away.

Here it's safe, here it's warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you."
By the time she has finished singing his eyelids are drooping and as she passes him back over to me his eyes close completely and he falls to sleep. I lie him down in his crib and put a blanket over him to keep him warm before turning back to Katniss. "Thank you so much."
"Don't mention it. Everyone needs help from time to time, I'm more than happy to help you, Ann."
"Thank you again. It means a lot. I'm sorry for disturbing you though."
"Don't worry about it Annie. Now, you should get some sleep." She stands up to exit the room but I realize something I need to ask her,
"Wait, before you leave I haven't something to ask you."
"Go for it."
"Will you be Noah's godmother?"
"Of course I will, I'd be honored to. Goodnight Ann. Don't hesitate to come and get me again if you need me." With that, she leaves.


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