Chapter Thirty Two: Into Combat

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***Peeta's POV***

So we have already headed towards the enemy camp, in a lot of military vehicles and even a few helicopters. when we get there though, the helicopters will land and let people out and then go back up for an air raid attack. Even though this attack means life or death, I'm still not 100% sure what I need to be doing. They basically just said to follow your general shoot where they tell you too. We have General Boggs, one of my favorites. Thread and Coin are both jerks, I can't stand them. But Boggs, he is more of a friend than anything else. We begin to stop our vehicles, getting out at about a mile or so from the enemy camp. We are going to continue on foot.

"Hey Finnick, how do you feel about this?" I ask, holding my gun at the correct carrying position. We are quickly moving towards the camp and I know soon I won't be able to talk to him.

"I'm just nervous I won't make it back. I have my parents, my own family now, it's a lot of responsibility on my shoulders right now." He says, "How about you?"

"Same, just minus the family thing. So minus all of it basically..." I say, "I just can't imagine leaving Katniss, Actually no, that's all I've been imagining."

"You won't have to worry about dying, someone will save you."

"Wait, what's that supposed to mean?"

"Your brother saved you, Boggs has been protecting you from the other generals as much as possible. Trust me, someone will come to your rescue." He walks up further than me, obviously not in the talking mood. I look around, trying to find someone else I can talk to. But what did he mean by that? No one is protecting me on purpose, there is no reason to. Why am I important? Anyways, I end up next to Gale. I really haven't talked to him much since we have gotten here.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey, how are you?" He asks.

"Just nervous, a little ticked at Finnick. He said I have nothing to worry about because people are protecting me."

"Well they kind of are. But I don't think you will be protected much in this battle. They don't care who gets out just as long as we win." That actually makes me feel a little better, shockingly.

"Well, I'm pretty weak so I'm not sure if I will make it out. Even if I was being protected." I say, "And don't forget about the note I gave you. Please make sure Katniss gets it. Please."

"Bro, I got you. And if I don't make it back, make sure Delly gets mine okay?"

"Sure thing." Just as I finish talking, General Boggs tells everyone to shut up, that we are entering an area we need to be quiet. We continue, walking as quietly as we can with all of the stuff we have to carry. Everything we have on has to weigh 80 pounds! (36kg) no one said being a marine was easy, but no one gave me the option of being one or not. I should have technically been excluded for health reasons, my leg. But they must have been pretty desperate to take an amputee. Anyway, that doesn't matter right now. I move around the huge clump of people until I find someone else I know. Just as I'm about to get her attention, I feel something wet drip onto my face. Suddenly that one drop turns into millions, and I watch Johanna freeze in her tracks. It just had to rain. People begin to walk past her, but I push my way to her.

"Jo" I whisper. She doesn't answer, she just stares straight ahead. "Jo you have to go." I give her a minute to reply.

"I..." she begins.

"You have to face your demons Jo, just keep walking. Nothing is going to hurt you." I try my best to encourage her, though those are probably the wrong words. I see Marvel, Finnick, and Cato make their way back towards us.

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