Chapter Five: Challenge

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***Peeta's POV***

As soon as we land we are basically thrown off of the plane. It's amazing how rude people can be when we are about to risk our lives against our wills. We are all lead into what looks like the mess hall, and a general walks in. I sit with Finnick, Cato, Marvel, Gale, and Johanna until the General slams his hand on a table, drawing most everyone's attention to him. It's odd for a general to be here talking to us instead of a Drill Instructor, but I suppose since none of us were meant to be here in the first place they wanted someone with more power to tell us what to do.

"Listen up ladies!" He says to get everyone to shut up. "You have been chosen because we had no other choice. I won't sugar coat it you will probably die." Gee, he sounds friendly. Though I guess being on a military base you can't make things sound affable. Plus, this guy has probably been here for awhile and must know if you try to make them feel safe, it only makes things worse. Someone in the front row speaks up.

"What kind of guns are we going to use?" He asks, and all I can think is what a stupid question that was. Apparently the general thinks so as well, and he smiles a smart aleck grin.

"What is your name?"

"Gloss." He replies, he looked older than us. Maybe mid 20's.

"Gloss? I'm going to start calling you Lip Gloss because you obviously know as much about war as a woman does." The general says. Oh crap! Jo glares at him for a minutes before speaking up, no no no no!

"You have a thing against women?" She says, the general looks at her.

"Well I married one..."

"You know what I mean, don't think they can fight in a war." Jo stands up and in my head I'm screaming for her to just sit down.

"No, I don't think they should be in war. They may break a nail." The general says in a girl voice. That is only going to make Johanna want to prove herself more.

"Alright, give me one of your most challenging activities, that even these pansy men can't do." She says and he just laughs.

"Well, I have something in mind, but let's make this a little more interesting. If I win, we send you back home so you are safe. Sorry, I meant WHEN I win." He smirks. Johanna considers it for a moment before answering.

"Deal, but if I win, you can't treat me any differently than what you are treating the guys." They shake hands and he gives her some clothes to put on. She goes into a restroom and 5 minutes later comes out in cameo army pants, combat boots, her hair in a pony tail and a forest green shirt. That is Katniss's favorite color, she even had a backpack she would carry at school that color. Peeta, don't think of her, it will only make it worse. We all end up outside, near a training course. This can't be good. As we walk to the sides so we can all watch, someone yells out my name.

"Peeta!" Come from behind me. I turn around to see my brother running towards me. We got separated on the plane and I hadn't really been worried about his whereabouts until now. I hug him as soon as he reaches me.

"You Alright little bro?" He asks.

"Is that really something to ask Riley." I say. Him being here is a curse and a blessing. He has the chance of dying here, but having a big part of home made things relax a little.

"Guess you're right. Hey, is this your friend Johanna that's back talking the general?" He say and we begin to walk towards the obstacle course.

"Do you expect her to keep her mouth shut?" We share a laugh. I see the course Johanna must complete in front of us, she stands at one end and the general at the other end. I can hear him screaming orders at her of what to do.

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