Chapter Nineteen: Almost Leaving

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Only two more weeks until we all get to go home. I haven't heard much from Katniss in the passed few months, in fact nothing from her at all. I know only what the girls have been telling me, and that's that they are continuing to get her memories back. I worry about her every day because she doesn't remember who I am. Have they given her the envelope yet? She will be so confused if they did and she doesn't know who I am.
"Mellark!" Someone screams and I look up into the evil eyes of my drill instructor. "Get your head out of your but you little pansycake, and salute me like everyone else has!" He yells at me. Man, he really seems to hate me. I don't think he has ever taken a liking to me since I've been here.
"What did I ever do to you?" I snap, knowing that will end in me running an extra mile.
"What did you say to me?"
"What did I do to you? Why do you hate me?" If I'm running anyways, may as well get sassy.
"Mellark, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to turn around for three seconds, and when I face you again, you are going to solute me. If you do, I will forget all about this little conversation okay?" He turns around and after exactly three seconds, he faces me again. I don't salute him though.
"Why do you hate me?" This really sets Thread off. He begins to rant about how I look like a sissy, trying to figure out why someone doesn't like him and how my feelings don't matter here. At some point I sigh, and even mock him a bit. Apparently it's to much because he pulls a gun out. I stand there, trying to look unaffected. But on the inside I know he won't have a problem shooting me. That's when someone steps in front of me.
"Whoa Whoa Whoa," Cato says with his hands up as if to protect me. Finnick comes up in front of him and starts speaking to Thread.
"Do you know who he is?"
"I don't care." Thread says.
"That's Peeta Mellark, him, me, and Cato saved roughly 60 civilians in an attack last month."
"He talked back to a Drill Instructor."
"I never said he was smart." I shouldn't be offended by Finnick, because he is getting me out of a hard situation. "We just need to forget that anything happened here."
"Disrespecting an officer can be punishable by death around here." He says.
"And we are looking at three dead heroes for no reason. That's enough to get you some friendly fire if it isn't done by firing squad." Thread knows he can't get out of it, so he puts his gun back.
"Fine. Everyone go to your bunks! There will be no free time tonight and you can all thank these three heroes." He says and I glare at him. It's still better than running because he never issued that to me. And it also means that we get to stop training about an hour early. So we leave and go back to our bunks, a few guys giving me rude looks a few thanking me. I get there and I sit in my bunk, taking the picture of Katniss from the ceiling and staring at it. Usually I just look at it before I got ot sleep, but tonight is different. The girl in this picture isn't the same girl at home right now. Maybe when I get back and she sees me, she will remember me. Maybe she won't. What if she never remembers who I am?
"Hey Peet?" Marvel says and I find him standing next to my bed.
"I got an email from Clove yesterday, she was telling me how Katniss has remembered a few more things." I light up when he says this.
"Anything about me?" I ask.
"It didn't say, but she is at least getting better." He climbs the latter to my top bunk and sits on my bed, that's when Johanna comes over.
"It was only a few things, at least that's what I heard." She says.
"Did they message you too?" Marvel asks.
"No, you left your hotmail account open." She starts laughing and I can't help smile a little. It's something Jo would do, look through someone's mail.
"Anyways, it's just a couple things. But the fact she is remembering things is good because I'm sure something would trigger with you. If something had they would have said, so my guess is nothing did." This takes the smile off my face.
"What if she never remembers me?" I say more to myself than to anyone else.
"Hey don't say that." Finnick says.
"Yeah no kidding." Gale walks over and stands next o Johanna, Finnick on the bottom bunk still. "You were her best friend when she was little, you grew up her worse enemy and ended up being her boyfriend."
"So? She hasn't remembered so far."
"That doesn't matter." finnick says. "You were her first love, and even when she hated you all she did was talk about you. Of course they weren't nice things but it just proves you were always on her mind."
"I think she wants to love you, and she is trying, she just forgot how." Cato say, soming up on the other side of my bunk.
"Oh my gosh." I hear from across the room. It's Gloss, the person who on the first day asked the dumbest question you could for war. That was the same day Johanna took her challenge for Boggs. "Look at all the ladies over here talking about their feelings. You guys aren't fit for war, you are all to weak."
"Oh yeah? Coming from the person who ran out of the attack last month ready to surrender, while we stayed in and saved people." Cato snaps at him.
"Hey Lip Gloss, mind your own business." I say because I know the nickname Boggs gave him the first day will annoy him. And I'm right because he glares at me.
"I was nervous the first day, who wouldn't be? I was ripped from my family like everyone else and I asked a harmless question." He says. "But now I know that I was made for war, and I've gotten passed crying every night. But Mellark, I seem to hear a lot of weeping from your bunk since we've gotten here."
"Shut up, you don't even know the whole story." Finnick says, getting out of his bed and walking towards him.
"Nothing can be that bad to cry every night."
"Wanna bet?" I get off my bed and stand in front of Finnick. "The girl I have loved forever, who not even a year ago agreed to be my girlfriend because up until that point thought I hated her, has had an accident and lost her memory. She doesn't remember any of her dead family, she barely remembers her friends, so she surely doesn't know who I am. Plus, my brother was killed protecting me in our very first battle. So don't sit there and tell me I have nothing to cry over." I've raised my voice at him and I can't help it. "People like you, who don't know everything and who don't deserve to know everything, need to stop judging people before you walk a mile in their shoes." I turn away from him because I can't talk to them anymore. I need to get my mind off of this so I walk outside. Disobeying orders, I talk a long walk around the base, trying to figure out a way to cope with all of this. Gloss is a jerk, and he needs to learn some manners, Gosh, all I can think of when I think of manners is Mrs. Trinket screaming at people to say please and thank you. Katniss was one of the people she would yell out. Does she remember that? Does she remember school at all? Does she remember the project we did in art? Or how I lost my leg? What does she remember at all? Gosh, my life juist continues to get worse...


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