Chapter Seventeen:

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***Katniss's POV***
*****3 Days Later*****

I would just like to say, I have only the general understanding of a soldiers funeral, I don't know everything. I did a little research and watched a few videos so this is what I get from it. To anyone who has had a family member or friend die in combat and has attended the funeral, if it's not exactly how it's supposed to be I'm sorry, and I hope it doesn't seem disrespectful! Thank you also to all the soldiers who have served, and are serving! Their sacrifice his the greatest and their bravery is out of this world!

I sit in the front seat of Annie's car, dressed in a long black dress, as we drive slowly towards the funeral service. Annie has been crying, along with everyone else. I don't cry though, and I feel selfish because someone has died and I should cry, but I don't remember them. I mean, I don't even remember my own "boyfriend" so how would I remember his brother? And I feel very uncomfortable about being in the car with the people lying to me. At least, it only makes sense that they are lying to me. We arrive at the funeral home, no one says a word the entire way there.We get out and the only thing I see are flags. Flags lined up along side the side walk leading into the doors, older looking veterans in uniforms holding flags and a flag is placed onto our car. We all walk inside, still not saying anything much. When we walk in, I see James, Mr. Mellark, and Mrs. Mellark standing by a closed casket. I stare at the casket, and an image flashes through my mind. I close my eyes and I see three caskets side by side, and all are closed. On the top of one is a picture of a man, dark hair and greay eyes. The other is a picture of a blue eyes, blonde haired little girl. The last is a woman, who also had blue eyes and blonde hair. I gasp, opening my eyes. Maybe it was a mistake to open them, maybe that was a memory. Maybe I knew who they were. Their faces seem to be burned in my mind, maybe I'll find a picture of them somewhere. Or maybe they were just imagined.
"I'll be right back." I say to the girls, not looking at them. I walk the Mellark family, giving each of them a hug and a word of my appriciation for their son and brother.
Is Peeta here?" I ask Mr. Mellark.
"No, they won't let him leave." He says with a depressed look. When I get to Mrs. Mellark though, with tears in her eyes, I give her a small smile.
"I wish I remembered him." I say.
"It's alright that you don't sweetie." She says.
"Um, this may be a bad time but I was wondering if there was anything else you could tell me about... Peeta?"
"Of course, go to the restroom and I'll be there in a few minutes after this line of people." She says with a small smile.
"Thank you." I turn away from here and I go to the closed casket. I heard that Riley didn't come back completely intact, so I'm glad it's closed casket.
"So, I know I don't know you, but thanks. They told us you kept my boyfriend safe, even though he may be abusive. Well, I think. Either way you saved his life so thank you." I say awkwardly to the casket. I sigh, leaving so other people can pay their respects, and I go to the restroom to wait for Mrs. Mellark. After a few minutes, she does come in. She cleans her face and wipes away some smeared make up.
"So what would you like to know?"
"Um, well the girls were telling me about senior year and I had some questions."
"Go for it."
"Okay, so they said that I had told them about graduation day, and I had went to your house for breakfast with your family." I start.
"Yes, you did."
"Apparently we told everyone we bought a house, and you were angry about it. Long story short, you and I ended up fighting, both of us were covered in food and flipped over the table because you told Peeta he couldn't leave, and you tried to hit him."
"That's what they told you?
"Yes, but I'm not sure if I believe them. You've been telling me a lot more than they have so I trust you."
"Right, don't believe them." She says. "what really happened was Peeta tried to hit you. I'm not sure what you two were fighting about but he raised his hand to smack you, and I got in the way to stop him. In the process, I fell onto the table and food flew in the air, covering everyone but mainly just us, so that's where you may have been confused."
"Really? I mean, in the pictures they show me we look happy."
"In public he was usually nice and caring, but it was all an act, in private he was evil." She says. "Don't listen to them, they don't want you to know."
"I need to get back, but come to me with any questions alright?"
"Absolutely. you're the only one I know I can trust." I smile a little and she returns it before walking out. I wait a few minutes before walking out myself. I find a seat by myself as I watch the service start. A pastor is talking, saying things about Riley and how he's know him his whole life, and how upsetting it is that he is gone, but is now in a better place. After the service, 6 military dressed men come to the casket and lift it, carrying it outside to the waiting herse, and setting it inside. Everyone gets into their cars and drive to the cemetary, I'm even more distant to them than I was on the way here. They ask me if I'm fine, and I only nod looking out the window.
"Kat? Something is bothering you." Annie says.
"Yeah, I want you to leave me alone and you won't." I snap at her. After that, she does not say a word to me the rest of the way. We get to the cemetary and I try to feel hurt for Riley, because at one point I knew him and I need to feel something for him. I have to, but I don't. So I forget about all the problems I'm having and I focus on the fallen soldier in front of mine. He gave his life for his country and it's something everyone should admire. He gave everything for the freedom of everyone here. So I watch as the military men take the casket with a flag over it, bring it to the hole six feet deep. 7 war veterans walk but by the plot, rifles in hand, and lift them to the sky. a person begins to play "Taps." close by as well. With three shots each, Riley is given the 21 gun salute and they begin to lower him into the ground. Everyone is crying, and I feel like the outsider so I work some tears into my eyes. If I ever get my memory back I'm sure I'll grieve over this for real. But for now, all I can do is put on an act.



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