Chapter Twelve: Good or Bad News

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****Annie's POV****

It's been a day since Katniss got to come home and it's already been so hard, the Skype call really seemed to get to her but, of course, we don't know what her and Peeta discussed so we don't know why it got to her... I just wished she'd remember Peeta.

There's been no progress, the doctors don't expect her to regain any of her memories for at least a few weeks, they were pretty vague, but everyone who were at the hospital for her are going to help her get her memory back as much as we can. We've been told to show her pictures that could trigger strong memories, music that could do the same, objects. Basically whatever we can think of that has a strong meaning to Katniss. The biggest thing we have at our disposal is what Peeta left Katniss, I know what it is so I know that we really do need to save it until we're desperate, just like before the accident.

I can see aspects of the old Katniss anyway, her stubbornness has certainly remained....


The door opens for Katniss' room and the doctor walks in, "I want to discuss with everyone when Katniss will come home and what will need to happen."

Katniss a clears her throat, "Hello, I am in the room. You know, sitting right here." It's good to see that some of her old personality is still here with this and the stubbornness she's displaying.

The doctor laughs, even though it's barely appropriate in this situations, "I apologise Miss Everdeen." After he says that he doesn't address her, he addresses the rest of us, "Where was Miss Everdeen living before the accident?"

Clove answers, "She was living in her old family house with me, Glimmer, Delly and Annie."

The doctor nods and writes some notes down, "Okay. Do you think that the four of you would be able to take care of her? She'll need a lot of supervision and just generally company while she recovers." We all nod and then he adds, "I must warn you that her recovery could take months so it could be a lot of hard work."

I hate that he's talking about her as though she's a pet or something even though she's sat a mere few feet away from him.

I say, "She's a human being and more importantly, she's our best-friend so we're not going to give up on her or treat her differently than we did before."

He sighs, "Okay, I'm sorry for speaking in the way I did."

The doctor steps towards the bed, "Katniss, are you okay with going back to the living arrangements the girls described?"

She nods, "Nice to see you're actually acknowledging me now." I can't help but smile at Katniss' attitude.

"You'll be coming back here every other day at first and then one or twice a week so that we can monitor your progress and try to help trigger your memories."

She nods, "Fine by me."

Then the doctor seems satisfied with whatever he came here to sort out and leaves, clipboard in hand and with an annoyingly arrogant smirk on his face.

****End of Flashback****

Haymitch knows what the doctor told Katniss but she's being stubborn and won't tell anyone what's wrong and she won't let Haymitch tell anyone either. We all know that if he's promised not to tell then he won't, he'll be used to keeping secrets seeing as he's a principle and because he doesn't drink now there will no way at all we'll get him to tell us what's wrong with Katniss.

We're all sat in Katniss' room, she's on the bed because she has to rest and we're sat all around the room. I feel as though I should try once again to find out what else is wrong with Katniss but Delly beats me to it, "Kat, please just tell us what's wrong?"

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