Chapter Ten: Lost things

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****Katniss' POV****
My head hurts, it feels like I have the world's worst headache but I have no idea why.
Come to think of it... I can't think of anything.
My name is Katniss Everdeen... I am eighteen years old... There's a war going on, I don't know who's fighting or why, I just know there's a war. That's all I know.
I open my eyes slowly and see a girl next to me with brown-red hair and bright green eyes.
She's holding my hand which I quickly pull away.
I have no idea who she is and whine I glance around the room I see a girl with very dark brown, basically black, hair and black eyes, then there's a girl with blonde hair and emerald green eyes and also a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.
There are also two men, probably brother on son because of the similarity in their looks, who have blonde hair and blue eyes who have a woman who looks unimpressed an annoyed and finally, there's an older man stood in the corner looking exhausted and worn out.
The red-brown haired girl glances in the corner and sees the man pulling out a flask. She shouts, "Haymitch!" Then stands up, walks up to him and snatches the flask out of his hands. "You've been sober since the boys left! You're not starting to drink again now!"
He sulks but says nothing in reply.
The black haired girl walks up to the bed, "So, Katniss. How are you?"
Without thinking I blurt out, "Who are you?"
The girl looks taken aback, "Clove. Your friend."
"What happened to me?"
"You don't remember?"
I shake my head slowly to be met by a throbbing pain, "I can't remember much at all."
"Tell me you can remember Peeta? Please tell me you remember Peeta?!"
The name Peeta doesn't spark anything within me, I can't fit the name to a face, any memories.
It means nothing to me; just another word in the thousands.
"I... I don't know who Peeta is."
Clove addresses the red-brown haired girl who's returned to her seat beside me, "Annie, how is this possible? How does she not remember Peeta?"
Annie, as I found out she's called, replies, "She took a hard fall Clove. The doctor said this was a possibility and a big one at that."
I ignore what else is going on and again ask, "What happened to me?"
The man, who I'm assuming is the other boy's father like I said before, steps forward, "You went hunting and fell out of a tree.
You took a big fall, broke your ankle, took a hard blow to your head and something else is wrong but the doctors won't tell us what."
"I'm sorry to sound rude but can you tell me who everyone is and what they are to me?"
He nods, "Of course."
He starts to point at people, "That's Glimmer and Delly your close friends, " so the girl with blonde hair and green eyes is Glimmer and the one with blonde hair and blue eyes is Delly, "Clove and Annie who are also your close friends" then he points to the man in the corner, "that's Haymitch, he was your principle in high school and he's kind of like your father figure." I nod as he talks and the he gets to the last two people, "That's my son, James and my wife but she's not important to you." He stops talking for a second then realises he hasn't even introduced himself,
"I'm Mr Mellark, your boyfriend, Peeta's, father and all of us here love you and care about you."
I have a boyfriend? Peeta is my boyfriend?
The woman he said was his wife, she must be called Mrs Mellark if they're married, steps towards me.
"Looks like you got what you deserved and my husband was mistaken, no one cares about you or loves you."
I'm confused, am I a bad person?
Does anyone love me or care for me?
Did I deserve to be injured and lose my memory?
Do I deserve to be loved?
What did I do that's bad?
"Am I... Am I a bad person?"
The woman smirks, "Yes. You most certainly are. You stole my son from his mother.
What sort of girl does that?"
Did I steal him from her?
I don't think I'd do that but what do I know?...
Oh wait, I know nothing! That's exactly the point!!
Mr Mellark pushes his wife away from me, "Don't listen to her Katniss. You're not a bad person and you have a lot of people who love you.
She's the bad person, believe me." The he turns around so I can't see him but I can hear him say, "I think you should leave. It'd be for the best."
Haymitch, I think that's what they said he was called, steps out of the corner and up to the woman, "Listen, I don't even know why you're here but we all know you're going to cause trouble so I think you'd better leave before I make you."
She puts her hands up in defeat and starts to walk out of the door but just as she's about to leave she turns around and glares at me, "I hope you never recover."
Why does she hate me so much?
It's not even like I remember my own boyfriend so maybe she has nothing to worry about with me stealing him from her.
She'll most likely get her son back after he finds out the mess I'm in.
Annie reaches out to take my hand but I pull it away and put it under the flimsy covers of this hospital bed.
She mumbles "Sorry" and I immediately feel bad but I don't know why. I have no idea who she is.
"So, this Peeta is my boyfriend?" I ask and they all nod but say nothing. "If he's my boyfriend then why isn't he here?"
Everyone looks in various places around the room, none of them make eye contact with me apart from Haymitch.
"He's gone to fight in the war and he won't be back for a long time Katniss."
So, he's somewhere else? He doesn't know what's wrong with me?
Maybe it's for the best if he's gone for a long time. Maybe he'll forget about me and be able to find someone else rather than me; a complete wreck.
There are so many more questions I have to ask. Most of them are about me and Peeta but I don't feel like now is the right time to ask. I have a lot of information to adjust to already.
"Do I know anyone else that has gone to fight?"
Glimmer speaks for the first time, "Yes. Your friends, Cato, Finnick, Marvel, Gale and Johanna as well as Peeta's brother, Riley. We got an email to them so that they know you're here and took a fall."
I'm trying to process the names. I swear I am, but matching a name to a face is just impossible for me to do and I feel terrible.
James walks towards the door, "I'm gonna get the doctor. He wanted to be told when she woke up so he could tell her whatever he couldn't tell us."
Everyone nods apart from me and he leaves.
The room remains silent until he returns.
The doctor walks in smiling, "Katniss, how are you?"
"I don't know. Just like I don't know anything else."
He sighs, "We expected you to lose your memory from the hit you took to your head but the memory loss is only going to be temporary.
It could take a little time but eventually you will regain your full memory."
I nod slowly, "Now, something else happened when you fell and it's bad news. I don't want to announce it with everyone around so do you want anyone to stay?"
I think about it for a minute, I have no idea who I'm closest to here but I guess I don't want to be alone when I'm dealing bad news so I'll go with the person who seems to speak the honest truth, "Haymitch. I want Haymitch to stay."
No one looks particularly hurt because I picked him but he looks kind of surprised.
Everyone else leave until it's just me, Haymitch and the doctor.
Haymitch takes a seat beside me but he doesn't try to take my hand or anything, he just looks at me with sympathy and upset in his eyes.
"So, there's no easy way to say this...
When you fell you sustained some damage to your womb.
I'm afraid that it's permanent damage with nothing we can do to solve it so it's going to decrease your chances of having children.
It won't be impossible but there's only a very, very small chance that you'll be able to conceive a child and an even smaller chances that you'll be able to carry it to a healthy stage in the pregnancy.
It won't be impossible for you to have children, just highly improbably.
I'm so sorry."



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