Chapter Eleven: I Must Have Really Loved You

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***Peeta's POV***

I pace back and forth in front of the computer, rereading the email every now and then to make sure it's real. Something happened, but I'm not sure what yet. All I can do is wait another 30 minutes for them to be up over in the states. The time difference only adds to my worry because I can't know what happened until we can Skype them. Why won't they wake up!?

"Peeta, calm down, you aren't helping yourself." Finnick says in an attempt to settle me, but it doesn't have an effect.

"Just, don't talk to me right now." I put both hands on my head and continue to pace, Finnick says nothing more. 30 minutes seems like an eternity when you have to wait to know what happened to the love of your life. I mean, she isn't dead right? They would have said that in the email. But what happened? Is she in a coma? What was the accident? A car crash? House fire? Is she laying in a hospital bed, not replying to the world?

"Peeta!" Cato knocks me out of my thoughts. "Come on they are calling." I run over to the computer and I knock everyone out of the way, I'm in front when Annie comes on the screen, the rest of the girls behind her just like the guys and Johanna are with me.


"Hey Peeta." She says sweetly. Then I hear a round of knocking. I look at the door to see if anyone is there, but no one has come in. I turn back to the computer.

"Where is Katniss?" I demand, knowing I won't get anywhere with being nice.

"I will explain everything just stay calm okay?"

"Where is she!?" All I want to do is see her. I hear more knocking and some shouting, but again the door stays closed.

"Peeta let her talk." Johanna and Glimmer say at the same time.

"She was hunting, at least that's what it looked like when I found her. She climbed a very tall and unsteady tree because apparently when she was coming down she slipped. I found her in the woods, she took a very hard blow to the head." Annie starts tearing up and I begin to fear the worse.

"Is she... Is..." I stutter.

"She's alive Peeta, don't worry about that. But the doctors told us-" She is cut off when the door behind her flies open, and I see Katniss standing there, the other girls trying to keep her back.

"You know, you promised the doctors to help me get my memories back but you all disappear on me!" She scream at them and my eyes almost pop out of my head.

"Katniss leave." Clove hisses at her.

"No! What are you guys doing?" She looks at the computer and at Annie. "I'm sorry, what's your name again? I keep forgetting."

"It's Annie. Now please leave for a few minutes and we will come get you." Annie tells her.

"Annie tell me what happened!" I say pulling her attention back to me. She sighs.

"Peeta, she lost her memory. The doctors say she will get it back but it could take awhile. anywhere from a few weeks to months, but we aren't sure yet." She says quickly.

"So... she doesn't... remember me?"

"Not by name!" She tries to reassure me, "But maybe if she saw you." Annie gets up and lets Katniss sit down in front of me. Even through the blurry Skype picture I can see the bruise of her head.

"We will give you two a minute." Glimmer states and the girls walk out.

"Be back in a few." Gale says, tears in his eyes as well. Everyone then walks out of the room. I look back at Katniss and her face is confused.

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