Ch.2 Herding for a start of something new

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The wind pulled back your (h/l) hair with ease as the goats were eating peacefully in the farm. You were humming to yourself as you were grooming one of the goats just as Link came in with Epona. She wined and stopped just as Link's strong hands pulled at the reins.

"Link your back already!" You said and walked up to him.

"Yeah, but I just need to get the goats herded back into the barn before I pack up tonight."

"Alright! I'll stand back and watch you!"

Link nodded his head as he dug his heel gently into Epona's side and took off slowly. Fado stood by your side as you watched as Link herded the goats with Epona at his side. It was effortless with Link as he could always heard the goats with ease.

As soon as he herded the last goat in a feeling stabbed you in the gut. You gasped slightly as Fado heard and looked at you with concern. "Are you alright, (y/n)?"

"Y-yes... just tired from the day's work..."

"I see. Hey, why don't you have Link ride you back to your house now that's he finished?"

"Huh?" You said as Link gently came up with Epona by him, "But he doesn't need to do that."

"I don't mind (y/n). Now hop on." Link said with a kind smile as Epona wined in agreement.

Riding always wasn't your strongest suit as you were still scared from that riding accident years ago. You were still getting over it bit by bit, but luckily you had Link helping you with your fear. He was always there for you and that's what made your bond stronger with him.

"O-Okay." You said as Link helped you up and had you sit behind him.

You wrapped your arms around his waist as it was strong and firm from all the riding he does. He dug his heel once more into Epona's side as she cried out and jumped over the fence. You held on for dear life as it made your heart soar inside your chest before you both landed on ground. Link was smiling to himself before he led you back to your house...


Bright light filled the air as you woke up early for the morning. The rushing of river filled your ears as you stretched and got dressed. You wore what Link had, only the top was light blue and the sash was white with it holding around your waist was dark blue. Your pants were white as well. The only thing out of place was the gray top holding the light blue stitching in place.

You opened the door right as Link was jogging by. You smiled and waved him over as Link smiled and stopped right in front of you. "What are you doing Link?"

"The kids want a Sling Shot so I figured I'd get the money."

"Oh Link that's so sweet of you!"

A tint of pink rose inside his perfect cheekbones, his hair in the way of his eyes. "You really think so?"

"Of course I do! I wanna help as well!"

"Alright. Rusl's wife needs her cradle back. She said it was gone when she left it alone. You can help me look for that."

"Okay! And while I do that just try to find some more rupees!"

"Got it!" Link jogged into action as he sprinted away.

You smiled at his back and climbed some veins and saw in the distances a Monkey holding onto the cradle. You looked around to see if there was any way of getting it back, and then you saw the hawk grass. You smiled and picked it up and blew into it. The melody rang softly in your ears and in the air as sooner than later a hawk landed on your arm.

"Get the cradle back for me please!" You urged the hawk as it when into action and brought back the cradle. You smiled and said thank you to the hawk before returning back to Link with it in hand.

"I got it! Did you get any rupees?"

"Yep. I got all thirty of them."

"Nice! Let's return this back to Rusl's wife."

Link nodded his head as the big swell of a belly came into view as Rusl's wife looked and smiled. "Thank you both. Colin also wanted to give you this."

She handed you a fishing rod, big enough to fit perfectly in your hands as they were small. Link always teased you about it, but you could always get his tickle spot with those small hands of yours.

"Thank you so much! Let's try fishing right now!"


You found the perfect spot as the shops owners cat was around the water, sticking it's paw into the water then hissing at it as it backed away. You shrugged at it and cashed the rod into the pond. No later than a minute you caught a fish.

"Oh wow! It's so tiny!"

"Tiny like you." Link said with a chuckle.

You were about to say something back, until the cat leaped out and grabbed the fish between it's teeth and took off with it.

"HEY! GET BACK HERE!" You ran after the cat as it was faster than you and escaped through it's cat door. You entered into the shop to see it was drinking milk with a peaceful face. Beth's mom stroked it's ear as the cat purred.

"Oh (y/n)! My cat caught a fish just for me! I'm so proud of him! You can have the last of the milk if you want."

"Ummm... sure." You said as you took the bottle with hesitating hands. It was already half empty with milk inside it anyways.

Link came in not too later as he bought the Sling Shot. It was something you've never seen before, a new toy for the children to play with while at it. Link and you headed back up near his house as the children eyes widen at the Sling Shot in his hand.

"WHOA! You got it!" Talo said with shining eyes, "Can you teach us Link?!"

"Umm I can try."

You smiled at Link as he got into position and started knocking out all the target with ease. It was as if he was mean for this kind of stuff. That's when it hit you like a wave. A gasp burst through you as you held onto Epona for support. Epona wined worriedly as Colin bend down on one knee to see your face.

"Are you okay (y/n)? You're really pale."

"I-I'm fine... really... thanks though Colin."

Colin gave you one of his heart warming smiles. "Anything for you (y/n)."


You heard Talo shout as it was the monkey from before. You got a better look at it to see it was a girl monkey. A red flower was in her hair as she jumped up and down and headed into the forest.

"GET BACK HERE!" Talo shouted as he took off with his tiny wooden sword in hand.

"Talo get back here!" Beth cried out with worry.

"Where are you going? That's the woods." Malo said as he watched Talo run into the forest.

"Hey Talo don't run off!" Link shouted as he ran off behind him. Something burned inside you. A will of some kind to say to go after then. You closed your eyes and headed into the forest after them, ignoring the cries of the children behind you...

Hellooooo readers! Sorry if this was a boring chapter, but worry not, the next chapter will be more exciting than this! Also if anything seems different it's because I changed it a tiny bit to get the story rolling more and if something isn't in the story right tell me please because I'm re watching Twilight Princess again so the story won't get out of place. :) Also updates will be on Saturday!

Goddess Of Time [Link X Reader] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now