Ch.13 Finding Old Friend

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(y/n) P.O.V


Once entering the twilight I felt safe with the light around me. But around it was an aura around me, and it was draining very slowly enough to last me hopefully until we finish this twilight area. Midna sat on top of Link and we started are way.

Down the path I saw something so familiar it made my heart jump. llia's purse was on the ground. Link was sniffing it while Midna looked at Link with an amused face.

"I can tell you found the human girl."


"Whatever her name is. So sad for me this is the last of twilight. Hopefully more will still be here!"

"I hope not! I'm tired of the twilight! After this is all done everyone won't have to live in fear."

"You humans are too safe, you never take risks. Oh well, not my problem. Eee hee!

"Let's just go."

Walking not too far along more the castle of Hyrule came out with a perfect view. I wondered what the castle looked like without the shade of twilight around it. I've never been to a huge town before so I wasn't sure what I was going into. Would it be fun? Exciting? Colorful?

I was getting tired from jogging and stopped along the way. "Let's stop... I need a break."

Midna glared at me with her mean orange eye. "We don't have time for this. We need to get going."

"You've been siting this whole time!"

"I'm the master and Link is the servant, he needs to do this part so letting me ride him also helps him with monsters around. Unlike you who freezes for about a minute before getting it through that stupid mind of yours."

"Why you!"

I wanted to strangle that Imp, I didn't care how I just wanted to make her little head to explode so she could see or feel her own annoying personality. I look a deep breath and started jogging ahead. "Let's just go already."

I felt Link's gaze on my back as he kept pace behind me, feeling he was concerned about my wellbeing. All I need was to end this adventure and get everyone safety home, but something inside me tells me to keep on pushing forward.

My eyes widen in joy when we were almost close to Hyrule castle. I bolted for the gate door as Link ran along, making Midna yelp in surprise. I pushed open the door and look at the plaza. Everyone acted like there was nothing going on, didn't know they were shadows and their ruler was forced into keeping low.

Link sniffed the ground and walked passed the spirits as they walked through him. An old lady walked through me and I gasped in surprise, having someone walking through me was like a huge blast of cold air and the voices in my head from what they were thinking.

The voices soon when away as I walked with Link down into a corner, confused at where we were going, until I saw a door. Faint light flooded outside as Link pushed it open and entered in. I walked in last and almost jumped towards llia, but remember I couldn't.

"llia... there you are..." I gripped her purse tightly in my hands.

llia was everything to me. My childhood friend and also sister like figure too I while growing up with Link. She taught me everything I needed to know, even the gross stuff about being a girl... but she and I were tight like an unbreakable bond, now that bond met again.

Link stared at llia with the same concerned gaze I gave her, until I turned my attention to the fish boy. He wasn't breathing great and look slickly pale in the translucent twilight.

llia sighed and stared at the fish boy with a protective look, the same look she gave when I was sick and she watched over me. "This boy... can you save him?"

A large woman with her top exposing her chest rested her hands against her hips while giving the fish boy a concerned look as well. "All right, little lady, try to settle down, OK?! I just sent for the doctor! But this is strange.... a child of the Zoras... I wonder if this was related to the incident the soldiers were talking about in the back..."

Link wondered off in the back as the name Zora started clicking in my mind. I've felt like I've heard that name before.... but where? Why do I get a memory of a fish guitar? This doesn't make any sense....

Midna came back and yawned. "We need to head to Lake Hylia if you want to save the land of its last twilight. I'll still miss it though..."

"Enough talking, we need to head going."

Link headed out as I took a look at llia before I left. Link barked suddenly and it scared me as the bug of twilight came out of a box. Link caught it with his mouth and crushed it with his jaw. It turned into a tears of light as I stared at it.

"Why would a bug be here? Away from Lake Hyila... strange... we don't have anything to contain it though..."

Midna rolled her eyes and checked her fingernails. "I thought we couldn't talk."

My head was about to explode from anger until I dug my fingers deeply into my palms. "Just... stay quiet until we get there... can you do that, Midna?"

"Hmmmm I guess, but if we run into trouble then I won't help. Have fun battling alone, Eee hee!"

"I don't think we really need your help anyways."

"Whatever you say, you know what your doing."

Midna rode on Link as I jogged along with them. My lungs were on fire from the lack of water I didn't have with me. I should have gotten some back at the castle, but I was too impressed by the castle itself to really see a water bucket anywhere....

The smell of lake filled my nose as I almost broke out into a grin when I saw the bridge, Great Hylian Bridge, all in its glory and fame.

The bridge smelled funny as we walked on it. It smelled like... gasoline? What would gas be doing on a bridge? Even in twilight it was pretty odd. Link suddenly stopped and growled at the far end of the bridge. I squinted to see who it was, and found it was another Moblin. The Moblin took out an arrow, set it on fire, aimed into the sky and shoot, landing behind us, making the black spots of gas lit up into flames.

The other side was starting to light up as well. "Link we got to get out of here! Midna! Help us!"

"I thought you said you didn't need my powers."

"Midna this isn't the time for this!"

"Speak for yourself. I'll just watch you roast while I float safely above. Bye bye~"

She disappeared into Link's shadow, just before I could lunge and chop that fat head of hers off. The fire was coming faster and it was making Link nervous. I bumped into something and turned to find it was a box. An idea came into my mind, but it could possible lead us to death.

"Link jump onto this, I'll hold onto you while were falling."

Link barked at me. His eyes were saying 'no way!'

"Link please! We don't have time!"

The fire was closing in around us close enough I could feel my skin burning off. Link finally decided with a bark as I sat on him, holding on for dear life as he jumps off the bridge.

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