Ch.21 The Curse of Life and Death

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"Welcome to my home. Make yourself comfortable, goddess."

A huge waves of terror ran down my spine like rats as I backflip away from the voice. It was a man over six feet tall. His orange hair ran past his shoulders as he was dressed in fancy armor fit for a king. Along with the armor he held a huge sword of silver, almost as tall as him. The reds of his eyes almost made me see the pure darkness inside him.

I sneered my words at him. "Who the hell are you?"

He simply laughed. It only made me angry, but a little scared at the same time. "I asked you a question!"

The man stopped his laughing slowly as his mouth turned into a sick twisted smile, a smile of evil. "Call me Ganon. You may not remember me, but I am the evil that keeps the hero and the goddess Hylia in a continuations loop."

A snarl rose inside my chest, surprising me even. "That is cruel! Why would you do that? Legend says the hero of time will always defeat you!"

"That is true. An ancient and powerful, yet small human can change all that for me. You."

The darkness cleared around the area as it gave away to an endless land of water. Though it was only a foot deep, the water felt icy cold around my feet. "M-Me...?"

"Oh yes... the Goddess of Time. Though you are a mortal now, but that doesn't mean you can't get your powers as a goddess back. It only requires one thing... killing the hero for me."

Anger burst threw me. I tried charging at him, but the waters around my feet held me down. "Never! I will never kill Link for an ugly monster like you!"

He sighed and paced around me with small slow circles. "(y/n), let's not get too mean right here. I'm just asking to kill the hero. He wouldn't suspect you to hurt him, so it's a good chance! Kill him and get your powers as a goddess back! What do you say to that?"

"Never..." I spat in his face when he was close enough.

The waters around me began to shake as his body was turning red around him. Though he didn't show he was pissed off, he acted like it as he grabbed me by the neck. My breath was lost as if he had the power to silence me.

"Since I cursed you before I can do it again. Listen to me... I curse you to kill the hero. Take him down in the twilight realm where I will be most powerful. The blood of the hero will make my powers stronger along with the tri-force he possess. Fail to do so, this curse will kill you. Either the hero will kill you or the curse will. I rest this curse onto you! (y/n), the Goddess of Time!"

Pain burst through me as I felt a symbol carved into my back. My screaming was only music too him as I felt it, the words and symbols of evil burning into my back, saying Ganon owned my soul...

He dropped me into the water as steam quickly came after. The water didn't help the pain as the monster in my eyes had power inside them. "I'll even put another warming. Each time you talk about are deal more symbols will be carved into your back. Talking about this with Link... and I'll make sure to end your life right there."

"Y-You're... the true... monster..." I glared up at him, the world disappearing around me. "The monster... t-that is... locked up..."

A hard glare came over his eyes before I disappeared from the place, the pain not once ending...


My vision wavered around me blurry before it registered to the darkness. A figure was lean over in pain as it was Link. He was breathing heavily as I ran to him and dropped down to his height. "Are you alright?"

Goddess Of Time [Link X Reader] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now