Ch.12 Reflection of Darkness

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The grass blew softly in the wind as the sound of huffing and puffing blew along with the sound of the wind. In the distance there was a young boy, with a heart of courage, swinging his wooden sword.

Up from the grass came a little girl around his pre-teen age. Her (h/c) (h/l) hair blew behind her and rested behind her shoulders. She looked around, looking for something.

Once her eyes laid on the dirty blond boy her (e/c) eyes grew wide with joy. She ran down the hill fast enough to almost make her trip, but she didn't.

The boy stopped and started at the girl before grinning with pride. "Hey (y/n)! Check out my sword!"

She tilted her head, confused at his statement. "Umm Link, that's not a sword."

"I know it is, but when I get bigger I want to protect the people of the village. I can't herd cattle all my life, even if I do love animals."

"I see where this is going, you want freedom, just like me."

The boy's eyes narrowed slightly. "What do you mean?"

"It's because I got my own house now, isn't it? I'm not living with the mayor anymore."

"I know that." His voice cutting off short from anger.

The girl looked at him, perplex at this surprise attitude coming from him. "Why are you acting like a snot?"

"I'm not! Now leave me alone!"

"Hmm! If that's the why you want it then fine!"

The girl turned on her heels and started walking back to the village. The boy sighed as he dropped his sword and ran a hand down his face.

"I just don't want you to separate from me, (y/n)... I don't like it your living on your own... it makes me feel like... we're growing up too fast for are connection to grow... more than what I want... if you can't see that... then the bond is lost..."


(y/n) P.O.V

I snapped back from my senses from the dream I had. It was from the past, but I don't remember Link saying anything about the last part.

I barley dodged in time when Dark Me slashed at my face. The water that splashed around me made me shiver as I gripped my sword as we collided swords together.

Dark Me had gray clothes and not the white stuff I had on. Her eyes glowed a bright ruby color, making feel as if she was starting in my soul.

"Aww is the goddess lost?" The dark figure's voice was as if she was talking under water, half clear to hear and half wavy. "Everything she wants is out of her reach~"

"What the hell do you mean?"

"So lost in the head, but her heart is screaming for the guy she wants, but can never have."

My heart strangely throbbed at her saying. It caught me off guard as she pushed me back and slashed at my shoulder. My bit my lip from crying out as I when to attack, but the dark figure simply laughed and jumped away.

"Stupid goddess! Thinks she can hit me~ that's really cute~"

"Grr shut up!"

I managed to cut as her knees quickly enough before her growing self could cut off my neck.

"For a weak brat you're pretty good, but not good enough to change your fate~"


"Curious? Let me show you~"

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